THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Friday, July 29, 2022

 By reason of images created in our brains are we taken out of our very own lives to always be dying. On the other side of death lies our real life we are taught to believe. We call it Paradise or Heaven or the like. Or reincarnation. Life has become a stage upon which we prepare for it, like in a rehearsal. It is the Pinocchio story we experience in an illusion of our own making. Real life escapes us. Real life is unknown to the illusion.

When two meet and fall in love, each with the image of the other, there is no love. It is called love by the images but it is concern for an image and that is not love. That false brand of love is the image of love not the fact of love. It is like we fall in love with the image of love not anything real.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

 Love, a living thing, comes to no conclusion, not ever. It is there like scent in a flower. When self concern ends love remains.  Love may seem to come and to go but it is self concern that comes and goes. It seems love abandons us at its own whim but we abandon love with self concern. If I want to be naked but keep trying on clothes I can imagine the absence of nakedness as a loss. A man said to me “ I want to be free but I feel no sense of freedom”. The greatest freedom I know about is the discovery “I have never really loved anybody or anything. I have been most concerned about myself and have been calling it love.” At that point one can find that love is there. Cleaning is a negative process. One does not add cleanliness to a bathtub, one removes the dirt and exposes cleanliness that is there. Love is found in the same way. Self concern is that dirt. Love is a living thing.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

 Following some years of careful consideration I am gonna make a bold statement 

When a human being accepts a position of authority over even one other person as say a professional; uhh, a short list would be as a teacher, preacher, business executive, lawyer, doctor, or a commissioned artist;  that person better be careful every step of the way. I did that. I know. Listen to your heart’s own question- “Hey, Man, what are they buying from you, really?” 

At some point the answer will come crystal clear. Those are wolves in sheep’s clothing and even they do not know it. They are bidding for my soul. They know something about people. They know that by owning my soul they will pay me hundreds of thousands a year today and make for themselves billions. That is a real unequal bargain. Take the case of a lawyer for example. Slowly but surely that job will become “just how far will you go to keep me?” Same is true for them all. If the person is not at all times clear the result will shock even him or her. You know what I mean.  

You may wonder why I include a commissioned artist in my list, well, it’s because that decision is placing the artist at odds within himself just as is the case with the others on the list. Anyone at odds within himself is going to be confused in the conflict.  It divides the artist in the same way as it divides the judge or the preacher. The person’s intelligence will gradually diminish so long as the conflict within continues. Faulty decisions will pile up. Now, I also want to add that Woody Guthrie is a model for that as an artist.  He refused to be work for the do-re- mi. Just a popular example. Consider: can I work for the dollar and what it represents for me and those I call my family and at the same time work for the singer in the song of my heart? Which is the most reliable employer? It may be an uncomfortable question to someone but that discomfort stems entirely from our conceit.  If anyone can rid himself of conceit then the answer to the question will be clear. All depends upon the level of the human being’s sincere yearning to know whether conceit can be obliterated never to return. That is the real work. Not the defined position of authority over others. Can I be rid of my conceit for good?

I am reminded of an old joke. Once a clever man was very much desiring to sleep with a particular woman. He asked her “would you go to bed with me for a million dollars?” Laughing,  the woman replied,  “I’d think about it; but, no, I would not not!” So, the clever man asked her, “Would you sleep with me for half a million dollars? “No” was her answer. Well then would you do it for say 100,000 dollars? “No.”  “How about fifty dollars then?”  “Are you crazy? Just who do you think you are talking to?”  “LOOK, LADY, WE HAVE ALREADY ESTABLISHED THAT AND WE ARE NOW JUST HAGGLING OVER THE PRICE.”

It boils down to: if a man or woman wakes up in slavery nothing else matters but 


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

 We need to tell a new story, no, it is more deep than that, we need to cease the practice of telling a story altogether. The main character in the stories we tell is “My self”, a non-reality. That non-reality  is our ideal image. Or, our punching bag every time we fail to achieve that poor non-reality’s ideal image. Self is the source of constant internal conflict. Stories about it only strengthen the superstition it is real. Even if I purport to tell a story about another I am really telling only about my self. It is possible once caught in the illusion to tell a story that will end stories. Such a thing clears up a lot of confusion and wastage of time and energy. That, of course, results in a large pool of both energy and intelligence to make action pure and way more effective. The story that ends stories reaches into the realm of indivisibility. Attempts to divide or separate the indivisible are mental tricks that are tearing the world of man apart everywhere on Earth. When I tell a story I am observing something that is not separate from me. I am the observed. 

I learned recently the word "individual" for centuries after its origin meant "indivisible". Literally, that makes sense. What cannot be divided is individual. Suddenly, at a point a few centuries back it started to be used to mean  someone who has "separate" interests, aspirations, or needs. In other words, it has come to be used to divide the indivisible. It is separation of me from the rest of you and separation of the indivisible internally into many contradictory parts or aspects. That is really stupid. Man, that has caused more sorrow for humans than can be measured. Isolation is killing us. It can be ended.

Monday, July 25, 2022

 All troubles come not from who I am 

but from trying to be something I am not. That is a mouthful. 

It destroys controversy. And there are no ways that will work to bring about a cure from false life. Any effort to do so is bound to be the effort of the imposter I am not and only fortify its position as my identity. 

Ultimately, people have tried to attach the false self to a Higher Power also created by mental suggestion from other false selves to the false self. Notice how even organized religions are promising to send the false person to Heaven after the poor chap or gal dies. Some Heaven filled with false abstractions must be a strange place indeed.

This condition is so terrible it is tearing the world of human beings apart. For that reason it is a crisis. A crisis cries out for help. Save me!

Complete negation is a start. Seeing the trap I am in without the slightest effort to escape the condition is difficult for the greatest humility is required but it may be just enough so that the miraculous, (love it may be although the word has lost all meaning in a world of human machines) the fact of love, dissolves the false human machine mercifully in the present moment so the one who is living a conditioned life can know true existence, as it is, without calling it by a name or describing it as an observer expecting congratulations would do. The train to reality takes on board no pretend passengers arriving for another hoped-for pretend life. A still mind knows.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

 Tell me if this be not so-

Quicker than the law can arrest, convict, and imprison or exterminate troublemakers the society it is meant to protect will have created more of them than ever. It is a losing proposition. Always has been; but that has not stopped we fools from trying harder as things grow worse.

Why is this the way? It is easier? We are in the habit? We are blind to the obvious? Or, could it simply be that the source of troublemakers and the sorrows they cause is the selfishness you and me have lived by and we are so afraid to admit it?  Is the fear that to admit that we need to end selfishness means we will become NOTHING and we are terrified of being NOTHING?

Suppose with me that NOTHING is who we are? Wouldn’t that be funny? It will become much funnier when we all find out NOTHING is SOMETHING and SOMETHING is NOTHING AT ALL. If not sooner, folks, ladies and gentlemen, than on the day we die, on that day will it all become crystal clear to us. By and bye.

My name it is nothing.

My age it means less. 

God has the last laugh.

Inseparable am I from wilderness.

It’s not too late for us all to shape up our thinking to fit Another Plan…together as one.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 EXACTINGNESS Never Preaches

Do nothing that is to be done leaving all hunger to the children of my prairies and cities. To whatever is in your mind pay no mind and sit until there is a robin landed on your shoulder three times and ask nobody to go for a walk in the shoes you wear. Shed your tears. Seek for nothing that is to be your heart’s only servant and lord. A green door waits in an orchard where fruit weighs heavy on branches with no wish to produce a baked pie because it is along the last way home that many people believe in pairs and know not who will send them out to pick apples.

Questions of the delivery basket-

Without sin who is among us to judge anybody else?

Is it sinful to bite one’s own finger?

Where is there one who knows the first thing of it all?  

Is the least part of a thing any less the thing than the rest?

If I feel the like of reaching out does it mean you ought to associate me with talkers?

If you judge my frizziness as trouble for you will that pose a threat to energy?

What of matter?

The time has always been now for the doing by living God and nobody can change that for even a half of a second back or forward which had no beginning and has no ending

What say you is different between a waterfall and a cascade?

And The words "Thinking about sinning is sinning" were meant not to convict us all and imprison us in a tricky dogma but to set everyone free of sin totally at once!

Just see if you are better off when you do nothing at all. Have you ever given up something you wanted very much? Do those two have anything in common? Come on. You? 

Thinking outside its limited field of material 

practicality brings only sorrow.

Another way beats it every time.

What allows some power other than your self to act?

Does it mean leaning on something you think to be nothing at  all?

Let it be known that nothing is really something and something really nothing at all.

Get this in your head.

Your brain will thank you.

Even stop its thinking outside its area of usefulness.

You won’t have to do a thing about that.

Action will be instant and clear. 

Call it a pure action that has no thought preceding it.

 Be not concerned about what anyone thinks of you period 

They don’t. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

 I is the isolating thing. 

I must be free of it…wait…uhhh.

that thought…I must be free…is the thought of the I…and only strengthens it firmly in place at the center of being. What am I to do?

The question is how can one shift from illusion to reality? Can it be done by any of my tricks?

I have tried so many of them, those mental tricks, like I will search for a spouse and marry hoping that I will be free of my loneliness. I married and yet I was so lonely…maybe even lonelier than before. Let us have a child or two or more. Then I will not be lonely. I will have a family. Still I am lonely. What to do about it? I will take my family to a place of worship and attach to a Higher Self. Then, if I choose wisely, I will feel lonely no more. Lonelier than ever. Can anybody help me straighten out my thinking so I am not lonely? Straighten thinking? Thinking goes all over the place at once! Therapy has been tried and it did not work. Oh, so many more things have been tried. Still I am lonely. Tell me how I can be free of it. 

The I is the isolating thing but I cannot be rid of that. Why not? I have repeated over and over “I am the Whole” or “I love everybody” and still loneliness returns. Can you tell me what to do? 

There may be nothing to be done. What? Calling on the isolating thing to do something to be rid of it is futile. There seems to be nothing to be done that will make any difference for the self image is so deeply rooted that all attempts would be the action of the isolating thing itself. No amount of good deeds will matter.  No oaths to stop my bad conduct will be any different than the other tricks. Love, that may be the answer! But the word love has been so overused and abused it has no meaning as a fact. People all around the Earth have gathered to proclaim “I love God” and they mean “I am willing to kill anybody who does not love God”. That love is corrupt. That love cannot be of any guidance in reality.

Am I left with nothing to do? Is that a bad thing necessarily? They tell that if I accept isolation without the thought I can manage it, an unexpected change may result…out of nothing…the removal of self entirely will have happened…the presence of the sacred felt…reverence for it restored…the beauty of it seen and, then, in the complete absence of isolation the concept of a separate self is gone never to return. In the process true love is known as a fact. After that realization flows another..Love made the entire Universe from nothing! Freedom is. Suffering is no more.

It all goes to show that so long as I try to make the mortal immortal I remain fixed in mortality and only when I accept mortality as “I am dead already” does the self image vanish and is immortality found. No trickery, not the slightest, involved. Bob Dylan said once at a very young age “I stopped trying to figure things out a long time ago” and it means the same thing. So spoke also Billy the Kid.

Billy’s story means to the writer that the kid we all started out to be once lost to us begins for a teenager a struggle to become something that can survive in a competitive adult world of lost kids and for most it ends in a lonely tragedy. All would be different for any who turn inward at any age in search of the lost sense of no isolation at all first, as the priority, and then, after they find it, live as free human beings for the remainder of life. For God knows how many centuries humans have lived the other way postponing the search for the lost kid into old age, retirement, by which time they have very little strength for it. The belief has been hammered into the brains that God made a world where adults have to be sinners. Like it is a law that must be unquestioned. That’s backward, Man! Oh, so unnecessary. Question everything! Especially question this writing! The writer does not want your agreement but wants you to find out for yourself.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

So, we may find ourselves at a regularly scheduled hourly meditation meeting with others. We have lately become quite a regular attendee at these meetings and become attached to the friends with whom we meditate. Or we pretend to. There is the introduction we all expect and a reading concerning what is meditation. I look about the room. It strikes me how very unlikely it is that any one of us is going to meditate. Our mission is to be rid of the self at the center that causes so much havoc. A terrible war is ongoing inside us and has been for many years. Who among us is really ready to abandon the old friend (enemy) and risk being nothing at all? It has been expressed as wanting to stay where I am for old time’s sake because though it is terrible it is familiar and “my own misery” coupled with a knowing I must leave and take my chances with an unknown place. We all know but seldom admit that we are kidding ourselves. We will stay put with some sense we tried at least to be free. As soon as we leave the meeting hall we will be totally back in the grip of me, myself, and I first!

That feels safer when compared to a trip into the unknown. But, is it unknown really? A part of the game was to plant in my brain a story about a world of individual selves each of whom have a chance to become the royalty of that world by attaching to some imaginary concept greater than the little self. As soon as they persuade me to attach to the concept they have me and in time will steal all I am. Along the way I will be doing things I never dreamed I would do to hurt others and make my climb on the ladder. I have become convinced I have the right to call the shots for others.

The first time I heard “Like A Rolling Stone” sung on the radio by Bob Dylan’s voice I was shocked at first but by the ending was completely lost in the unknown, or what I had previously thought to be unknown to me, and encouraged by the singer to find out for myself what life really can be. It was another 20 years until I took the chance. The singer to me was suggesting I dig into “nothing” and discover “nothing to lose” and to know a place where “I got no secrets to conceal” which place, on that day I first listened to Dylan was known to me. So briefly familiar was it I could taste its presence on my tongue. I may have seemed to put it aside and go on with my way of life as it was before hearing that song but deep inside I felt it there every time I looked thereafter. Finally I dived off the board whole-heartedly.

It became “Wow!” I came into the world without secrets, with nothing that was my own, a complete unknown and was talked into giving that up for an illusion everybody around me was cultivating, became lost in the illusion, only to find out those people who led me there were always going to take from me everything they could steal and leave me when they used me up. I had to dive off that board. There was no choice about it. It was clear. The unknown is the known! Self as separate from other selves is by its nature an isolating process incapable of love. When it happens jump! I now know that what dissolved the self truly is love. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Let us speak of human beings for awhile. We have what we refer to as outer experiences here gathering knowledge of the world outside and storing the knowledge as memories. That is a way, one way, to become smarter. Science does this. And is proud of it. We also have experiences within us. We observe, feel, and think. In language, we refer to it as mind or brain or ego or personality or psyche or soul or something else. We identify with that. We all seem to agree we have outer and inner experiences. The two are related. The inner, we think, is who we are even though we know very little about it. Everybody has secrets stored in there. For most, a lot of conflict and confusion abide inside the body. It is another world than is the outer world. It is like we are vertical beings without form who are living in a body in a horizontal world where we all share certain basic needs- food, water, air, clothing, shelter. And we know not who we are nor why we are here at all. The beginning of a journey to recover a balance and harmony for all humans is a deep realization that absolutely none of us asked to be here. We only know we showed up. We have this in common. It is very important to find a beginning we all share. Let us take it with us.

The journeys we take in the outer world require time and space. This journey, to find who we are, is different. It is beyond time or space. And it requires us to go deep into the inner world. To do this requires a lot of courage and determination. A certain intensity is required.  

All began as children. Innocent. Open wide. There was no identified center with a name. All that had to be developed through a pattern of identification directed by whom? Other humans. In that manner was an original being locked away in a sort of dungeon never to participate in any important way. The world, as a manufactured center or self will come to know it, will never know the original. Once in a great while an original escapes the fate society intends for all its children. Everyone who meets the original being will have the same experience, “where did that person come from?” The Kid in the story of the Kid was such a being. He did not fit from the start. All others suffered a strange sense of loss that nags with the idea “I am a fake, a phony, they never even saw me”. I have a job, I vote, I am married with children, own a home, drive two late model cars, intend to send my children to college, am religious, respected, decorated even, but I am phony. The important, common thread among all is nobody in memory ever really wanted to find out what I might have had to offer them. They all wanted me to change and become someone they could admire as their own. I am property.

We have noticed there is an outer world of experience and an inner one. We have noticed the center or self or “me” installed in the inner world by society. We noticed the original inner being has been imprisoned below the self never to really live. So, let us consider how deep that may be. Give it full attention.

There is no method for finding reality. Methods, in fact, lead one away from what is there. Methods are aligned with becoming what you are not. 

Full attention, like a lamp,  exposes the truth that there is no self at the center. Full attention exposes the love which is always there like the scent inside a flower. It is seen the concept of a self at the center has displaced love. Whatever forces one to embrace full attention is mighty. A thunderstorm. A snake. A thrill. A death. A death can reveal “I have been living without loving that person who has gone away”. This has been known to happen when the deceased was a perfect stranger, especially when the deceased was a poor, lonely, forgotten bum. Something there is about a perfect stranger sheds light upon another stranger closer than the veins in one’s neck. 

Full attention is enlightened being. Love, which has always been, seems to burst forth for such people. It is everywhere. All there is is love! A monk hiding away in the desert avoiding people never finds this. What this is is the silence inside noise. Not the silence found in the absence of noise. This life we have is all so perfectly natural.

Thinking, that has made a self at the center of the body is constantly changing, contradicting itself, double talking. So, it tries to identify itself with anything that might give it security or stability. Name, religion, nationality, occupation, family, school, and many more are there. None have brought security at all. Yet, the reality of the original being is flooded with the tremendous energy of all life. This freed is so mighty it can do what must be done now. Absent the self at the center, one sees clearly that the basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, etc. are no big deal and there is plenty for all. The idea to fight for “my territory” “my food” would be rejected out of hand. No. We are not going there, thank you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

 What is meditation? Really? Full attention. Full attention is always present. There is no method for finding reality. Methods, in fact lead one away from what is there. Methods are aligned with becoming what you are not. 

Full attention, like a lamp,  exposes the truth that there is no self at the center. Full attention exposes the love which is always there like the scent inside a flower. The concept of a self at the center has displaced love. Whatever forces one to embrace full attention is mighty. A thunderstorm. A snake. A thrill. A death. A death

can reveal “I have been living without loving that person who has gone away”. This has been known to happen when the deceased was a perfect stranger, especially when the deceased was a poor, lonely, forgotten bum. Something there is about a perfect stranger sheds light upon another stranger closer than the veins in one’s neck. 

Full attention is enlightened being. Love, which has always been, seems to burst forth for such people. It is everywhere. All there is is love! A monk hiding away in the desert avoiding people never finds this. What this is is the silence inside noise. Not the silence found in the absence of noise. This life we have is all so perfectly natural.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

 Observation Only

To observe without observer

at some point where there is nothing 

I’ll meet you there

And know together

Who we are.


This does not come about

They have lied to thee

Some observer wanted you not to be free

In the same room with is, was, will be.

No congratulations please.

Cannot pin a medal on an absent observer, you see?

Do not fall back on “my mind will not let me stay here”
You are the consciousness of all humanity.

Is, was, will be.

Saturday, July 9, 2022


Even a Palace can be a prison. If a human be given it all there will remain an empty longing that wants to take chances. That has been called the soul of man. Jesus, it is told, advised a rich man to give it all away not to deny himself but to be free. He added, what is it going to profit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul? Free means, really, when all the bull is taken away, as I am. There is no way one can add to that! Adding is denial. The Kingly Man is the Unknown Stranger. Draws all unto himself by staying far away from wealth and honor. 

If a human be given it all can he add to that?


Friday, July 8, 2022


You might ask, “Why am I not able to sustain my commitment to self fulfillment from within me like an artesian well of energy leading ever onward to a deeper and more adventurous experience of life as magical existence?” 

Why do you want that sustaining? Let us consider what is an ordinary life?  Is there such a thing? Have you considered it? Could it be that your wish to sustain some thing you like is your real problem? Can anything that is real be “sustained”…need it be…ever? Is that not hogwash?

Is it not so that sustaining anything is mere “thought” and one more attempt to control according to your self interest what is uncontrollable ? Why have we divided life into “ordinary” and “magical”? By thought? Again, what is an ordinary life as opposed to a “magical” life? Is a “magical” life to you a thing you want to sustain because somebody told you that you can have that?  Or, is it because you have discovered for yourself the true nature of life is “magical”? Which? If the latter, of what possible use can be an effort to sustain? It is real! We humans have merely concocted a “magical” life and then have challenged ourselves to have it. Most religions teach you can only have that in an after life. But if you discover life itself to be “magical” you need not await an afterlife to have it. That is what this has been all about. Life. Here. Now. 

Anyone who is postponing the full attention to life as it is now in reliance upon an afterlife can be said to be busy dying, don’t you see? Anyone considering through thought an “ordinary” life is thinking about life. Is “life” a thing that is acquired through practice? Or some psychological exercise? Or, is there “life” and "life" only?

Thursday, July 7, 2022

 Everybody do what you want!

Hey, that’s a good idea, let’s organize along those lines.

How can you organize “everybody do what you want”? What would it be like if a rose needed to know it is a rose to smell as sweet? They would be sent to school?

Perhaps the true definition of “organize” is “to take away freedom, compassion and all its many joys”. Better take care of compassion.

To have compassion one must only lose the desire to show everybody you can “make it” inside an organized game that is a set of arbitrary rules made and enforced by “the company’s men” and includes a religious belief that in another life you will be free in order to attract followers. That is quite a heavy dose of fraud!  Little wonder it requires rockets, bombs, satellites, computers, light bulbs, books, movies and television to keep it afloat!

People who promote the organized way of living want you to blindly assume that the only alternative is to return to a caveman lifestyle. Little do they know that the alternative would flower into a garden of existence now only crudely imagined. The Garden is here now. Only the fertilizer, love and courage, are missing and both of those are inside the hearts of all human beings.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

 The Myth of Sisyphus

For those mortal there’s birth, life, and death. Sisyphus was not happy. He wanted immortality. As the Supreme Trickster of the realm, Sisyphus tricked Hades, chained him up, and gave man immortality. Nobody on Earth would die with Hades chained up in Hell. War was going to be boring. The Gods were angry.

So, they devised a suitable punishment for him. He was made to push a rock uphill everyday for eternity which rock was enchanted to suddenly roll back down the hill just before reaching the top requiring Sisyphus to repeat the task everyday with no chance of success. Does this sound familiar in your life as you have experienced it? It sure does to me.

By this punishment the Gods are revealing to Sisyphus that immortality for one such as he is useless because his life as he is living it is monotonous without lasting meaning. Death is his friend. He was better off as a mortal. At least his misery had an end.

Looking at it, I see that Sisyphus’s punishment seems grave to us because we have acquired a desire to succeed in our labors. Should he be able to end the sorrow stemming from his failed labors he would thereby be both immortal and happy.  What is required of the Trickster Supreme, then, is to end the source of his suffering, the impossibility of success, and thereby to end his suffering. He can end his suffering. So can you and I. By seeing the fact that he, Sisyphus, is the sorrow he feels the sorrow will fade away and he will be free of suffering and immortal which is what he wanted to begin with. These gods certainly loved Sisyphus. 

It can be seen that as Gods who are always going to do good these Gods actually gave us the answer to life’s riddle without the necessity to trick Hades or anybody else. For any mortal on Earth who sees the futility of a life attached to success and the avoidance of failure there is a revelation that opens a door to freedom from suffering. Whatever one does thereafter will be joyful! Which is better, a temporary success or an eternal life in joy doing only what you really want to do for no hoped for result? Easy answer. But who knows? You may wish to suffer awhile longer.

When there is no longer a reason to strive to find happiness all will be done joyfully, including death, which, if eternal, means only that we will be happy forever. And if death is not eternal, we will be happy forever! That Myth is worth its weight in the gold of real treasure!

Suppose I love making fine shoes. And I make them because I make them and not to succeed in a shoe business. I create a beautiful pair of shoes. And another and so on as long as I am enjoying doing so. Will you, Sir, have need of money to buy shoes when you have such a friend as me? I do not want your money. Have no use for it because of my many friends. And what about all the rest of it? Financial concerns would just be a nuisance. If I love to play the guitar I simply play. Someone will listen and  want to play with me. What is the problem? Is it not obvious the ones who promoted the money game were after power? What is power to me? I am happy forever.


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

These three-birth, life, and death. Birth has happened. In life there is much confusion. At death all confusion ends. Creation is all about a possibility. Can anyone end confusion before dying? If so, what a life! That makes it worthwhile. Can you?

Friday, July 1, 2022


We are mesmerizing ourselves in societal jungles made out of imagination. Possibly they were concocted from a first story told in linear time open to interpretation after interpretation that keep minds busy without noticeable movement to agreement after thousands, perhaps millions, of years. Stories are told and retold and men do not live by them. Men go on killing, lying, cheating, hating, discriminating with no end in sight. Look into it. We claim to govern ourselves and each other by some “normal” or “reasonable” standard upon which there is complete disagreement, and always will be, to the point of death. 

Only that which everybody knows is true. This much we all know: we co-exist in hopeless disarray. Always banking on “someday”. There are feuds based only in a story from numerous quite limited memories told and retold with uncontrolled changes by self-centered idiots to other self-centered idiots which last centuries and longer used to justify genocide. Following every crisis, inevitably, without exception, everybody knows it is only a matter of time until the next. Is that not chaotic? Is it not chaotic enough to move someone to change?

What if we were to agree finally to disassemble life in these separate societies fabricated from nonsense and to live instead on the ground of truth; that being, only what nobody denies. At times of disagreement we talk until we reach that true place where disagreement vanishes.

Case: Cain hates, is threatened by, Abel. The two talk until they find agreement then both go on living on that basis. There is always a common ground upon which both will agree. Invariably, will it be seen the conflict has arisen from a matter that has nothing to do with these two but is driving confusion. I was once punched in the nose by a kid I had been tormenting with words. He could take no more. He struck out. I placed blamed on the kid who hit me for years. Later, I saw clearly I was tormenting that kid in order to gain the approval of an older boy who was listening to my words. I wanted to be admired by that older boy who I was attached to as a hero of mine. It had really nothing to do with whether the kid who struck me was right to do so or wrong. My issue was within myself. It will turn out to be that in every argument. Moreover, I saw that the kid who struck me was being tormented by a strong desire within himself for the approval of the same older boy as was I. That is what we are going to discover if we want to live truly more than we want to continue to fight each other. It is so simple, folks. The cause of every disagreement is within us. No bloodshed is required to discover that and each time we do it the relationship between us will be strengthened and new, lasting friendship developed. A Soviet spy was defended by an American lawyer in an American court and in the process a bond developed between these two strangers from different societies so strong each would lay down his life for the other. Each is to be watched over by the other. How strong is that? See film “Bridge Of Spies” Steven Spielberg.