The Question
To be a self-organizing being or not to be at all? That is the question. Inside every living human heart is a brain that over-rides the one inside the head. If only a human decides in its favor. Places the heart on the throne of one’s life. There will never be another decision to be made by such a blessed one. Wholeness is not just a metaphor anymore. It is the only thing there is.
When such a one has a problem, or thinks it happens to be so, the question is not: what is the solution to my dilemma? The question is: why am I divided against myself when wholeness is a fact? Life is not about what is the right thing to do, never, it is about everyones’ true identity.
Surely, you understand some of this already. It is not so much to grasp. Work it out for yourself as rapidly as you can. But be assured it is the hardest thing you will ever do. Yet you are, as gods and goddesses, fully equipped for the task. And you are being watched over by one who loves without reservation.