I now see we, humans, thought we were evolving by language, and in a sense we were, but in a sad direction of separation. We named everything. Horses do not do that. No other animal does that. By doing it, we separated everything for ourselves, not for anything else living. The others, the animals and plants that did not evolve a new language, were left out. By separating from, you make yourself the boss. You say, my horse. My cow. My dog or cat or goldfish. Your world changes in a big way. I do not have to tell anybody how that change effects a life. You know. We all still go through the change from the moment of birth. Additionally, we also changed toward each other as humans. Us and them began. Levels of a society were labeled and assigned. By power. Women were separated from men inside a world where every being has a mother by natural law. Every boy loves a mother unless he is deprived of it. By nature love comes. Love has no opposite.
To undo the damage requires each individual to make a choice to do whatever is necessary to cut through the chains that bind. It is a great fight…the greatest. But the good news is it is a fight that, when won, ends fighting anything or anybody.
I end this by saying the only excuse valid fior continuing the naming game is that it makes it easier to find answers to questions and that is a miserable excuse for paying such a devilish price for being right rather than happy. You see, every question answered by the shortcut happens to create more questions to be addressed and many of them will be critical.
Alas. It will always be so that the slow path becomes the fast way home. Love has no opposite.