A Man For Every Woman
I want to question something almost universally held to be true. Possibly it has been written down or memorized in every language there is on Earth.
Does a man have a woman? Does a woman have a man? What is the evidence of it? A mere abundance of sentiment? Is it possible to live well without such? There are so many songs and rhymes that seem to want it to be so they cannot be counted. This questioning is a heavy one with far reaching consequences. If one is convinced “I cannot have someone else as my possession” what happens to that one?
Obviously, if the statement is correct it immediately makes a large excess of energy available for other things. Imagine, if you will, what that amount of energy released can accomplish.
It could be so that the only reason for clinging to a possibility so doubtful is to have someone to blame, besides myself, for the mess I have to endure. “My wife does not behave”; “my husband does not behave”; my children do not behave”, etc. For this reason it is suggested we look into who is it benefits from a widely held tradition that for every man there is a woman. Often such inquiry is revelatory of the tradition’s invalidity as a fundamental method for experiencing a sense of well-being in life. There is a belief behind the idea of marriage as a binding contract that it will help to ensure the control of people. Who desires to control people? Whose job description is that? How is it so closely related to whose job is it to manage and control children? What underlies the belief that if we can control a child up to the age of seven or so we have that child for life? Think like a free animal.
We are getting somewhere. Ask: if I make the decision to be in the company of another human moment to moment am I more or less likely to have a sound and solid relationship as opposed to some traditional assignment of me to him or her for a lifetime? Am I ill-equipped to live here naturally? Are you? Think like a free animal.
Somebody sold us a bag of rotten fruit in the form of bad tradition with a motive when we crossed a line into a world organized by other people for us before we were even born. Not so good for children. Well, do not feel so all alone. Every child must get stoned. Resurrect your living bones!