The reason anyone
would offer to help you copy a formula they are in possession of for
how to make a million is because that person wants two million. Think
about it.
Apply this metaphor
to anything at all anyone offers to help you find. If you are serious
about it, you are liable to find out what a fool resembles. What did
your parents promise you conditionally? What did your wife or husband
promise when encouraging you to marry them? What did your religious
leader promise when encouraging you to join that group and become one
of them? What did your boss promise? What did your coach promise?
What did your doctor promise? Your lawyer? Your elected officials?
Was it not bottomed in self-centered desires? You or I will treat
others we are responsible for only as well as we have been treated
which will have determined how well we treat ourselves. How long
before we learn? Someone who cares about you will be ever so
unwilling to advertise services to be rendered on your behalf. You
will have to lower your ego enough to ask and receive, if you are
granted that chance, with no charge or recompense of any kind
expected. For that person, the joy of serving you will be payment in
full. But do not imagine you are entitled to it. Not for a moment.
That will not be permitted.
If a child, any
child, gets the things it needs it will flourish. But how much do we
know about what any human being needs? What if all that is needed is
to be left to the guidance of some force that is the source of its
existence absent meddling and enough room to wander about freely and
the privilege to be poor of everything else if that is what it turns
out the child wants? Do you get my drift? Really? I am pointing to a
realm nobody in this world but that child can know about or reach
into and spoil or steal from it. So, it's an important thing indeed.
Most no longer have a clue what is being pointed out. And that is