The Takers
Nations are to peace as toothless paper tigers are to playful children. When will we ever learn it’s never been the fault of love it is the mad lunacy of nations, boundaries, courts, kings and all the rest of it. It is therefore ambition makes all the tragic legendary stories of some imagined conflict between love and honor, between love and duty, between love and decency where conflict has never been. The Emperor has been always naked. Illusion alone clothes him. A taker. A child knows this to be so. When the game ends…really ends…peace is right here present for all beings. And it is known by all then that peace is not the absence of conflict, conflict is the absence of peace. Violence grows like weeds when people turn their backs on peace. Cease trying to end conflict (that is like trying to shovel darkness out a window) and try for a change to switch on the light of peace.