Healing the psyche. What is that? Well, let’s say for now it is the place inside a human being that is an invisible, immaterial world of its own and is where we actually dwell. Okay? It includes all our thoughts, wishes, ambition, desires, hatreds, anger, greed, fear, and more. It has been seen as a gateway into an infinite realm called often “the unknown”. There is all we do not know and that is a lot. It is a waste to try and define it further. All conscious living humans know of it.
Is the psyche a thing we share as common to all of us? Is the psyche in need of healing? When the material body needs healing we are very anxious to obtain that as soon as possible. Without it the body dies. But the question here is what about the psyche? If I heal my body and leave the psyche as is what is bound to happen? Another episode of physical sickness?
When two countries are at war and the shooting and bombing is stopped and nothing is changed in the psyche of the people what is bound to happen? If people are starving and some others give them money to buy food and nothing is done about the condition of the psyche of those starving people what is bound to happen?
One way to look at this is to consider the intellectual who writes a theoretical piece on the subject of peace as opposed to the poet who writes poetry arising from an actual feeling of peacefulness. If I read the poem with a critical mind especially made up already, a place of knowledge rather than a place of the unknown, and determine we should be peaceful and not be violent I am going to turn to the intellect to make a plan for correcting the world outside. Since the psyche is not altered what is bound to happen? You know because it has happened time and time again for thousands and thousands of years already. It has also happened inside your family behind closed doors day after day all your life.