Organization people are mechanical people. To adjust to pretending to be a part of some institution invented by others, we agree to try to please another person. It begins in the application for membership. A human cannot do that but a puppet can. So we try to become good puppets in the name of security and justify it with “everybody’s doing it”.
We think: “after awhile I shall be able to free myself from the need to please somebody” but find out that everybody serves somebody. It is possible to serve Nobody but that’s service to the truth that brought you here as a human being. That power is the only one that does not want you to be anything but exactly who you are and have all your life been. Socrates used to ask those who were renowned as the greatest thinkers of his time “Sir, if you have a problem with your boat to whom do you take your boat?” When told it would be taken to the boat’s maker, Socrates would inquire thusly, “And, if you have a problem with a human being would you not take it to the maker of human beings?” That is exactly the meaning of the Nobody (No Body) one can serve. It is service to something inwardly and freedom from serving anyone or anything outwardly. Just how much security is there in a job? You can be terminated because the shape of your nose does not please the boss. You know that but still clamor to get a job, some job. I know, having applied myself for many jobs, we all lie. If lying got you the job should you not be terminated by the interviewer before you even begin; assuming the interviewer is honest, that is? Speaking of which it is recommended everyone considering employment investigate into the truth of the simple declaration that in order to live outside the law one must be honest. The story of Jesus is the story of such a man. Take what you find to heart.
The writer once took a job when he was certain that he did not care a bit whether he would keep this job for one day or 25,000 days! There had been no interview at all. In that job he fit. He served no human authority and quite soon was the unspoken leader of the whole place for inwardly he was only a servant there to help people find what work they enjoy passionately and do it. Many people came to him during the time of his employment there and loved him as he loved them. The whole experience was a joy!
Make it hap’m, Cap’m;
Cap’m of the still mind of love.
The answer blows in on a wind
as if nobody sent forth a snow, white dove.
What authority have “I” inside this marvelous creation?
who does not even know the difference between a good or bad situation.
Says the wind to “me” wanting to be a popular sensation
what is to be done has already been done
By Nobody.