My Love?
Tell me I can count
on having your love until death parts us. I cannot bear the thought
of you giving your love to another. The uncertainty of this
arrangement is killing me. I must know I have you.
Are you not content
to have love for one night, this one night? Whatever gives you the
concept of having me?
You are my dream
come true. I want no other. Forever.
What makes you
believe such a thing? Why must you think?
My parents married
in a church before God and people and live together as man and wife
to this day.
Do you really think
I am the source of love, a fountain of it? Stop thinking. Can I
determine where love chooses to go? Did I begin this feeling in you?
Or me? It happened. How do things happen? You are lying. I do not
believe you. You ask me for such a promise when we both know you,
yourself cannot know who or when you will leave me for someone else?
Love is nonsense.
Did you not know? It is meant to be crazy. It is crazy.
Then let us accept
that as true. We must go mad to be in love. A crazy person is never
held to promises. There is one love. It consumes promises and out
beyond promises there is an open field. I met you there. Life in
that field is far better than any other life. You have to trust me.
How can I?
If you cannot, have
no truck with me.