Truth's Most Holy Ground
Of Being
who knows all people are one is already at peace with all others.
That cannot be taught. It is innate. It must be realized and felt in
the heart to be known. Conversely, if you are not at peace with all
others, you do not know all people to be one; and the bullshitter's
true motives will be soon revealed.
Okay. Here's the
fucking deal as I see it now. People do not trust themselves let
alone each other. You decide which comes first. Everybody I have met
is either indifferent to any need to make an effort in the direction
of peaceable co-existence across the board or they are teaching
somebody else how to do what they have never done nor have they seen
done. People who claim to be peaceful are not. Instead, they are part
of some group that recites, We are peaceful. We are peaceful? If I
want to be peaceful I should join your group? Who is peaceful? The
select group or the whole? These peace loving groups are not even
peaceful at home. Teachers. These teachers espouse the practice of
dissociation. Know what that is? It is the disconnecting of
something from something else. Two or more somethings arise, done
mentally, where there is one.
How many beloved
teachers have taught, we are one? Why is the response always: Yeah,
let's go fight those who are not one! (One way to fight is to cast
a ballot in a voting affair. Another way is to teach others how they
are wrong and you are right.)
How many arguments
have there been concerning this issue: whether an individual must
forgive another first or forgive himself first? Love another first or
love himself first? I personally have heard more than I care to. It
just might be a moot issue.
I am a participant
in what?
I am choosing sides or I am surrendering to all. Not both. Cannot
have that both ways. One cancels the other is the reason. Either we
are one is obsolete or we should be one is obsolete. Which?
learned mediation, I recall, not because of my teachers but in spite
of them. I saw that originally mediation was based in the knowledge
people are one. Thereafter, I ignored all the teaching we
received that was in opposition to that premise, and there was
plenty. I embraced with passion the times the teachers proclaimed
that all people have the innate ability to resolve conflict with
others. If any number of people are experiencing conflict a mediator
is the one who holds to the understanding that there is no conflict
and eventually the others find it in themselves and peace has to
happen. Has to happen. It seems a miracle to those who have
practiced dissociation to a degree which is dangerous to themselves
and others; but it is simple truth.
people at all times want the same thing; to live and work with pride
and joy. All people know this. All people know how to do so. A
family trying to rise above the average persons in their community by
whatever means is dissociating from reality. Am I a participant in
my family's desire to be excellent or in excellence for the whole of
mankind? How can it be thought that to make the whole better I am to
dissociate myself, my people, from the whole of mankind? That is the
same insane thought as: let us fight and kill for world peace.
who knows all people are one is already at peace with all others.
That cannot be taught. It is innate. It must be realized and felt in
the heart to be known. And all the wars of mankind since the
beginning of time added together do not match in bravery
that required for one individual to rediscover lost identity with
truth's most holy ground of being.