A holiday, a vacation, a wild lark, what is it? Why is it so attractive? When you get one you immediately have a problem. How do I make use of it? Many people never do get the hang of real fulfillment from these days or hours off. They worry the whole time.
Let me suggest that the reason the concept of a day off is so appealing lies in the letting go of all your attachments if only for a brief time. The feeling is a kind of freedom. The freedom comes from a letting go within your mind of a thousand attachments. The mind then is able to contact the eternal. Eternity is not a long, long time. This is so important to understand. Eternity is outside time. How does it feel? Like a rolling stone? It is most important that a rolling stone is not in a position to stop its rolling. Something else will have to stop it. It will have to attach.
When you go for a lark you are willing to give yourself permission to let go of attachments in order to do this unusual thing that sounds to you like it should be fun. For example, you cannot climb a mountain carrying all your furniture on your back. You cannot drive two cars there. You cannot bring all your friends with you. You cannot bring a library of books along. Now, ask your mind, is it possible for me to end all my attachments completely to experience eternity now while I am alive? Be still. Do not try for an answer. Let the question answer itself. It will if you mean it and won’t tamper. The answer when it comes will blow your mind and you will weep with joy and feel absolute gratitude for your life.
When a man and a woman marry they could, could they not, consider that they are letting go of all attachments to free themselves to find out together who they really are? Any other way is beginning a marriage in deceit and assuring neither spouse will experience the eternal truth until the last day of life. It amounts to “I, the attacher, who has attached all my life, wanting to go free as an adult now hereby attach to you!” Can it be seen love does not enter that picture.
The only legitimate marriage has to be in the nature of ending the life of the attacher to discover whether I am capable of loving anyone. It has been told that if you ever plan to marry first learn to love a bug, then a rock, then a cloud, then the Sun and then, maybe, you can be ready to love another human being.
Just whisper the line between you and me is not there.