In earlier times watching a moving picture show was invented. For the first time, for the price of a ticket, one could go to a darkened room and take a seat and look up at a huge screen and, well, go away. Forget worries until after the film. An escape from reality. A sort of drug. It became very popular. Huge profits were made and stars were created who could be sold like candy.
It was labeled, perhaps falsely, as art. What is art, anyway? The most elevated description is that art is created to disillusion a mass of people trapped in illusion. In other words, just backward of what people think they are buying and sellers think they are selling. So, only the artist knows what was created. And that one cannot say. This leads to a suggestion that every activity of humans is art if only we knew how to look or listen or touch, smell or taste. I recall now Bob Dylan telling a journalist “I have no explanation for these things I write, I just write them.” Or, words to that effect, anyway.
If a human makes something intended to disillusion you and me and we choose instead to use it to go away from reality, or, what we think is reality…
here we go again at the point of turning the whole thing around, and, oh, my, my
…being shoved into a new dimension, unknown, where beauty is not out there, on screen or inside a face or in nature or anywhere but…in me! The beauty I see, I mean. The beauty beheld is in the eye of…and what beauty there be in a tree is beheld only by the tree itself. Not by me. I have my own. See? And now we know when we fall “in love” with anything beautiful to us it all takes place inside the psyche and we are free to love it and secure in the knowledge it cannot leave us so jealousy and envy are no more! And, miraculously, no commercial transaction has occurred, none whatsoever! No license is required either! I am my own licensor. People who doubt their own ability to be completely responsible for their conduct cry for and demand leaders and rules and jails and and dismemberment and rejection and excommunication and violent death. The rest simply read what is written inside and it is done. Go-oll eee! I cannot prove it, but what if all there actually is is beauty? Doubt and beautiful reality.
*an eighteenth century euphemism for “God”