Apart, Chapter
To all the
descendants of those who took the original exodus out from paradise
let it be written:
Long, long ago,
tired of living among the meek ones who did not care to be right,
our ancestors
decided to pack a chest and to leave them;
we'd take along a
god that belongs to us, the highest and the best,
who will stand along
side of us in a well provisioned quest;
who will lead us to
our country (and in our minds we draw a fence where no fence really
one that we only
think our own shall separate us from the rest;
and declare we
believe this fence drawn by the Hand of an Almighty God (although we
know better)
who told one of us
it's our duty to cause our destiny to manifest.
(shout) And, we want
Oh, we want a strong
warrior god we can believe in and we demand all that that god can
We want a servile
milk cow; a cow on which all who are like us can depend!
We want the milk
always to be getting better and
we believe we shall defend!
(aside) Nothing
wrong with playing a game with an imaginary cow, right?
Answer: Everything
is fine until you want to have real milk with your coffee.
Then it begins to
get weird. The coffee is going to have to be imaginary coffee.
And, the breakfast
you want with your imaginary coffee and imaginary milk? that is going
to have to be imaginary as well…
and this is not
going to end lest you give up the entire accursed game, leave the
train bound for Hell.
Let's see...has it
been 10,000 years? a thousand declared nations?
How many add-on
theories have there been?
How many dead
How many unknown
innocents betrayed?
Whole gen-er-a-tions!
It must come
finally down to this: much blather and chatter about nothing at the
highest possible cost until... all is lost.
Reality cannot be
captured in the imaginary kingdoms of man. Peace that comes that way
is going always to be imaginary peace. People assemble in a building
where some wear robes and practice chanting about it and claim it is
real for that reason. A child knows better! Are we not convinced of
that by now? How long is it going to continue to be fake? All that
has been laid before you here is equally applicable to both our
gods...to religion and to science.
Laying aside all
differences, with that which remains at hand proceed. It will be
rebuilt by truth in joy as if by magic. That is so because we have
the way safely tucked away inside us; we each hold a piece of an
exact pattern of the best possible system for living together like it
was diagrammed on our souls. The piece is known to each as a calling.
Can you hear it?
rule: Nobody has to join us and nobody can stand in our way.