Let’s Pretend
So, let’s play pretend good society for people to live under. Want to? Okay. So, let’s pretend the people will vote for candi-dates who want to pretend they are lawmakers for the rest of the people to be governed by. Okay? Well, these elected lawmakers are only going to be able to pretend to make good laws that will make an incorrupt society, that okay? So, we will pretend the laws the pretend lawmakers make are really good, fair, wise, and pretend such laws will serve an incorrupt society we all pretend we want. Any problem? See any?
Okay. Now the pretend fair and good laws are going to disappoint us unless we pretend the laws are good ones all should obey willingly. Get it? Okay. But if we really wanted a good society we are gonna be disappointed when these pretend laws are enforced. Understand? Yeah. Okay. Unless we are willing to pretend the pretend laws ought to be enforced in spite of the evidence. Is that understood? Some people may protest the unfairness so we need to be ready to be rough…violent. Get it?
Whenever anyone, a parent, for example takes a position of
I know
You do not
I’ll help you
nobody will be helped. In fact, the very person addressed in this manner will be crippled. Don’t you see why? With good intentions we murder. We murder the minds of our children in their cribs. The only real help comes from: I do not know. Only then does the mind of the would-be helper empty. And only an empty mind is brilliant enough for the task. You try it. Find out. I dare you. A door will open for you that you knew not to be there. Your life will flower. Do you understand what that means? Come on. Find out. Do not go to the library or bookstore. Try it. It must be your understanding not a borrowed one.