I am reading a slogan on a wall in a coffee shop that says
It reminds me of the greatest lesson I have learned which is that life and death are one. Not separate! One inseparable truth are they.
Why is that so great to know? It brings freedom from the fear of death. That’s why. Is that why enough for you? If so, you are someone I am watching for to share a real conversation between two living human beings.
To try to live for something rather than to die for it is impossible. Why? Because life and death are one. One who tries it will only live for some ideal slogan on a wall and nothing will change really. Slogans are dead things. That type experience is so fleeting and frustrating. Boys and girls are sent off to wars on the basis of slogans. Many die.
However, if a human being can die to all the ideals that one has stored in memory from all the conditioning of the brain since birth, at once, and we can, life and death go together within that one forevermore. It can be described as the killing of the ego or false self to go on living in freedom and pure action. Study on it. I hope to meet you in a field of love soon as living beings of pure action free of conditioning here and now on Earth. PURITY OF ACTION IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT.