The Great Depression was before my time but my parents lived through it and were profoundly affected by it. About 130 years into a world created by man that promised freedom for all the bottom fell out. To this day, and the reason I bring up this event, is nobody knows what caused it. Those most closely aligned with the system of capitalism which was sold as the way of individual freedom (bankers, investors, CEO’s, professors) all clueless. Ultimately, it took a terrible world war to bring the system back up.
The freedom for all that a manmade system can bring about is limited indeed! It is characterized by the Lottery. It means, and means only, everybody has a tiny, minuscule chance to become rich and powerful enough to expect to be free. All the rest will struggle for enough their whole lives. The rich ones will struggle for more, always for more. Who among them are free? Are birds ever free from the chains of the skyway? Me sees all man has accomplished so far amounts to swapping one set of chains for another. The modern concentration camp is a subdivision of half million dollar houses that all look the same. Driving by them frequently the great sadness is felt.
What if LIFE itself has within it all we need to be free? How would a clear thinking human being approach the magnificence of LIFE to find out? Am I asking where does the road to LIFE begin? You must have passed that way or you would not be. In what manner or posture will one approach such a road as the one which brought you to life? If anyone is foolish enough to tell you the name of a person who has the key will you follow? Or, do you know better? Do you know already a truth that transcends the line of nonsense you have been taught? Do you know that I know that you know the answer that resides in you and for you alone?