He got into heroine a while back. His wife is an addict and her son as well. All three have been living in the woods near the City. For a number of years my friend lived under bridge. We have talked off and on over these years but he could not really say he wanted to be sober. Recently he called and we talked and he said, I want to get sober. I heard that. We went for a ride to visit another alcoholic we both know who is sober and had a bad fall from a ladder on a job and was in ICU then the hospital and then rehab. He has serious injuries but is recovering. Shortly after that my friend called me to say he was catching a bus to a hospital to check himself in because he felt he was about to die. I visited him several times in ICU then in the general hospital and now he is in rehab. He called tonight. His voice is strong and he is laughing and he is so grateful to be alive. He tells me the people at the Rehab are treating him so kindly he cannot believe it. He is sleeping, eating like a horse and exercising. They told him today they will try very hard when he is released to have him a place to live. He proudly told me they gave him some new clothes that match. Also because he pushes other patients around in wheelchairs they want to hire him. I will go visit him tomorrow, My heart soars like the hawk! I heard a song this morning with this line in it and it is my life story. It goes-
Stop fighting the fight that has already been won