Love broke a man’s heart. He wrote a song. The song touched many others. He became famous for it. He met another woman and felt this is the right one for me. This one will bring the pleasure and security I so desire for the rest of my life. I am sure of it. Little did he know love is not pleasure.
Love comes to tear your heart apart and render you helpless as a newborn kitten. Love is the opportunity of a lifetime. We often too quickly transfer our allegiance to an object of love leaving the love that is inside us that brought us to our knees behind. Great and painful disappointment follows. You keep on believing love is pleasure as something you can control. The songwriter writes another hit song and life goes on. Nobody questions to the core. Nobody learns. We limp around not feeling real. In complete ignorance of the power of love to face the senseless cruelty and violence that is us, we are dripping in blood. This is your life, Clown!
The opportunity love affords is the chance to choose it with all your heart. With no thought for your future or any desired outcome accept the wide open field of infinite possibility in store for you regardless of the impact that may have on you and all your many plans and wishes. Bring it on! is all you need say with all your being and what unfolds will be your destiny à la love. You shall know what it is to love the unknown more than you love yourself and you will never leave its unlimited charms. You otherwise sentence yourself to a dull, small, insignificant, crummy life you cannot imagine could be all life is for and spend it busy dying. The chance spoken of here to be born anew with every breath may come but once so for goodness sake be aware!