If I have everything I want
If everything I want is what I have
that which I want I have
that which I have I want
If what I want are two large wings a graceful neck and a hot orange beak
I am a swan.
Happiness in life is so simple. It has nothing to do with acquiring what you do not have. It has only to do with recognizing what you have been given that cannot be taken from you. It is a tragedy to have it and not know you have it because to you you may as well not have it at all. And you do.
I am a swan. And when you see me glide across a pool you imagine such a one must think:
“Look. I can get anything I want”
but you are mistaken.
You see freedom.
What is empty of wanting.
If I beheld that in you I could fly with you.
There is a big difference between believing you can have victory and knowing you are victory.
The one who believes will either lose and hate himself or win and then tell himself, “I was victorious” and spend the rest of his life remembering he once was victorious. Memories fade. Trophies corrode behind glass.
Have you met anyone with a trophy case who is content? It violates the law of trophies. Never content is their slogan and so they remain discontent. For them it is always winter. For one who is content it is always Spring.
This writing points to you as you are. Many point you to what you are not. You are not defined by circumstances. Know that simple fact. Fly! Without wings fly!