This morning I listened to an original man speak by way of film and video from many years ago. He asked those present with him then rather than being sponges who absorb and take things in from one they admire to listen from an originality in them to the original tones from the speaker. This reminded me immediately of our talks.
I thought of our consideration of what it must be like to play in Bob Dylan’s band, for instance. Those who have seem to find it a “Difficult” experience. I recalled the woman who said when she first listened to you speak she hated you and wished you to be paralyzed but later she noticed how you had grown and changed and she liked you and you told her, “Hey, Lady, it was not I who changed!” So, it made me feel a calm and clarity that to play in the band of an original requires the new player to change by retaining the original in himself and that accounts for the pain of difficulty. But more important to me than that even was the glimpse into what great opportunity is taking place to be in the company of someone who offers you nothing.
Someone demands you keep hold of the original in yourself and not be a sponge or leave his or her company. Is that love? Or the Greatest Love? Jesus always before this most recent experience had baffled me by telling his 12 disciples
“You will do greater works than me.”
Is it a brand new way of life? Is it jazz? Is it Moby-Dick?