Let’s Be Honest About It
We are messed up. Humans live lives here that are confused, out of control, and scary. It is so tangled up it defies analysis. Opinions fall all over the place and putting them together is worse than leaving them alone. All our relationships are injured, broken and incomplete. We are struggling to make some kind of sense from nonsense. Every decision made that way makes things worse. My life is a bunch of irritating noise. I wish I could walk away from it. What can anybody do? Face the fact. You and I can do nothing about it. It is like admitting I did nothing to make the world so who am I to change it? Hey, who am I? I have been trying to change things all my life. Could that be the real problem? Can I change?
Why bother to ask anybody how? Who would answer? All we can do is ask the question of nobody, let it go, expect no answer. Do not answer it yourself. Do not even say I believe the answer will be X. See whether the question answers itself. I just got my answer.