Separation of RELIGION
A Christian is to believe Jesus Christ, Son of God, died for his or her sins and His Father thereby forgives all sins of the Christian who so believes and such a believer will not perish but have life everlasting.
The Bible presents Jesus to a reader as a holy man who is pure love…for all. The story is of a shepherd who loves each lamb so much he will leave all his flock behind to search for the lost lamb. As a child I was taught the story and even taught the story to other children. It is not surprising that a person becomes a lost lamb. First, right after birth, came a set of patterns I am to follow in life. These patterns soon become the facts of our situation. Trying to follow them brings conflict and confusion and, finally, desperation. When it happens to one of us we are ready to hear the story. A lost lamb in a human body wants more than anything to be found by someone who loves him or her. That feeling is like no other.
This writer need go no further into the matter. It is enough to understand the attraction to any of the religions organized by man. I feel lost. A group with a name and symbols and a headquarters offers to help me. Enlisting in an organized religion, in some manner I am led to give my life over to an image I make in my thoughts of what it is like to be a complete human. One more loveless pattern.
This writer writes only to question whatever led to the “organization”in the first place of what is so universal. It has unquestionably separated humans rather than uniting us. Created conflict where none is called for. In fact, to make a separate religion amounts to an attempt to make a separate “life”. That is so arrogant!
The term religion comes from the same word as relationship. Life is relationship and how we respond to it. I am the living. You are the living. They are the living. All the same. Period. Actually, Jesus became famous for saying “love your enemies”. Now, perhaps, is the time to embrace such wisdom.
The method described in paragraph one above means when any child of God dies to its selfish life as it is being lived in separation that one act of pure love opens the human to an unknown selfless way of life where that one and any who follow suit will not perish but have life everlasting at the instant of such a psychic “death”, which means life never dies since death is always followed by a new beginning. What else is it than “life everlasting”? At the very famous Last Supper of the Christian religion Jesus told his disciples he was leaving the “master-disciple ” role, so goodbye. He asked to be remembered and then promised he would come again, right away, and did and continues to be born all around this Globe every day. Salvation complete. All organized methods fulfilled in the ending of conflict. This important understanding is real, based in fact not belief, unorganized, and unites all humanity.