Is it possible to prevail in life by non-conflicting behavior? Action occasioned by that which perceives itself to be the perceived means action of the whole, a pure, non-conflicting action that puts an ending to- “which side are you on?”, does it not?
When a boy I loved playing football with all my heart, not because I wanted to defeat anybody, but for the beautiful wonder of crossing a line in play that led into an all-freeing passion. When coaches (any adult who was going to observe from the point of view of analysis of players) approached our game I walked away. Someone who was not going to throw a block or make a tackle or break an ankle had a motive to take charge in a way that corrupts beauty and that means the exit of love so all that remains is unworthy. And, what is left will attract more and more elements of ugliness and confusion to become another rat race in the world of the great rat fuck. As a child, I played “fighting soldier” in the same way as I played football. No one in my game bled, suffered or died. Then came the rat fuckers.
Anyone ignorant of the possibility of non-conflicting behavior feels driven to take sides. However, I have noticed lately that something of the wholeness buried deep in the minds of all human beings from birth that has so far survived inside the rat race shows up from time to time in it and many are moved by it. Lately, I see more signs of an awareness that there is more to life than winning awards. And, furthermore, that it is worth facing a dragon over and I see more coaches who speak out concerning bringing a change that prevails when all seems lost because that change, when followed, removes even the possibility of losing.
The analysts of the rat race are stumped more and more now in their efforts to explain this change. It is noticed that these games are taking on a new flavor where a coach tells his players this is your game and I want you to play each play to your fullest ability and whatever happens never are you going to think the game is not going your way, just turn your full attention to the next thing up. So long as you remain in this dimension you cannot lose, I promise you.
More and more humans are coming to understand that all troubles have led them to greater awakenings. Trouble brings out the best. Something new becomes possible and that is the award I really sought…the new, the fresh. Then I become aware that loss is in another dimension I have abandoned and no one can explain that. I always was playing football to reach again the dimension of unlimited possibility. Then what was, was freedom as a fact and not just a hope.
When a human being is free they face the dragon because they are not afraid. They walk thru fire because life is worth it.
The writer need say “no more”.