You can observe you have a conditioned mind that is always chattering. The false guru outside says you must make your mind become quiet in order to enjoy peace. That is just not possible. The observer is the observed. Who is to do it? The mind that thinks and chatters? The chattering mind is clever.
The mind that chatters will play along by even assuming a correct posture so as to recite mantras or concentrate on a pretty object that is peaceful or your breathing or pray if you wish for boons all of it to give you a brief break from its chaotic behavior but soon after it will return and as strong as ever. This is the clever mind’s way to keep an eye on you and continue to control you. The guru will make a lot of money. It will amount to a self-mesmerizing folly.
The true message is that you must find a silence within that is not the absence of sound and a stillness there that is not the absence of motion. Such a place is unknown to the thinking mind. When it is found you will discover you have entered a gap in the traffic jam of your brain where you may have peace under every condition and then the mind in awe itself will settle down by itself. In a moment there will have been asked: who is meditating? And the answer will totally throw the would-be meditator out the window. And the answer to the question “How can I keep this?” that follows will be “It is entirely up to you.”
You will find when freed from all the effort required by one bottled up in the traffic of a misused brain you have available an enormous surplus of energy now and a much deeper intelligence is present. In gladness all will have been well worth the mercifully small effort required. And the effort to do this will have been a joy.