The word “experience” means to “go through to completion” and end a matter not to carry it forward with you. Real meditation begins when an experience is followed to its completion and ends some distortion so the mind is free of the experience. They don’t pile up and continuously distort one’s vision. Undistorted, the mind is able to observe itself clearly. This means what is going to come up is a brand new experience never before known.
In my own case I was taught a “method” for meditation that when followed repeatedly brought a certain peace I was not used to and I liked very much and was grateful for it. And yet, I was plagued by a thought that often within minutes after I ceased the practice I would explode at somebody or something and return to my ordinary behavior prior to ever even trying to meditate. Why do I lose it so easily? I had to wonder. Then a night came when I finished my practice at a gathering place of other meditators with the question and there came from my mind a direct, simple answer: “It has always been up to you.” I then asked myself, “well, tonight, I wonder if I can keep this peace for as long as it takes me to drive home”. When I arrived home having remained in my peaceful state the whole long ride I sat in my car a few moments in wonder at the peace and asked, “I wonder if I can keep this up until I get to bed and fall asleep”. My family was awake and there would likely be plenty of opportunity to lose what had been gained. It happened I did remain at peace until I fell asleep. Something brand new had arisen. Up to then I had begun every meditation practice with a distorted notion that the practice I was taught would give me peace in my life. The surprise was “It has always been free of circumstances.”! Real meditation begins at the point of natural, undistorted mindedness. A newborn has it!
It is not at all “spiritual elevation” or any of that nonsense. Enlightenment comes into consciousness when no image made by thought is present seeking it. It is silly and vulgar to spout out nonsense like “I pray for enlightenment for all sentient beings”. Duh.