I , a whooper swan, am alive. You are too. What does it mean? What are we to do with life? Dance? Is a child crazy to talk to….himself? herself? To nothing visible? I mean to earnestly speak to that in a language he is absorbing at a rapid pace with no intention, with no purpose, with no rush but with an intense energy that comes from he knows not where? Any of this sound familiar? Is it more likely that kid I mention is off the beam and needs direction from an adult or is it more likely the adult needs to watch the child and to learn about himself and inquire whether or not he or she is living a real life? You decide. Do not agree or disagree with me. Look into it if you feel an urge to find out. The kids know something most of us have forgotten.
What that is just may be the most important thing to keep at the forefront of one’s daily awareness. The children come here with it intact and quite vibrantly showing. Do I need to give it a name? Of course I do not. On the contrary, if I name it theories begin to spring up all around it and soon the words become the thing for us and we lose it again. A god we invent to help us find it arises. We make rules and we build temples to the god(s) we invent. And give our money. Great treasuries of wealth now run the show we once had as an exclusive stage. See how quickly we lose what we most need and proceed as broken beings with a thousand crutches completely inappropriate to the actual situation? Begging.
We follow the gurus who are happy to take us on a wild goose chase they lead as experts. All the while we are fully provided for from an agency within us a child speaks with passionately and without any notion he or she needs an interpreter or that that which is listening wants a temple built to prove my worthiness. In fact, that which actually made us makes it abundantly clear how truly worthy we are by giving us a breath as surely as one might who places a mouth on ours and blows air into our lungs. It tells us constantly how much we are loved. Make your home there and stay close with that.
I can fly thousands of miles with my flock with a precision that outshines the finest instrument of man with no money under my wing. Do you doubt you are at least as worthy as one such as I? You and I are perfectly designed to be here! The child is the best part of each of us. A poet, William Wordsworth, once wrote : The child is the father of the man. She is also the mother of the woman.
This line goes mostly misunderstood to this day. Study it out for your self. It has nothing to do with thinking or character or personality or any of that adult shit. It goes way deeper than that and is far more real. An adult not guided by the wisdom of a babe is lost indeed!