As I write I am seeing and so it can be said that the seeing is writing, not me. So far, I see, I have been limited to the use of small, manageable examples out of life that are common to us all in order to attempt to suddenly point out that this example is universal to all issues of humanity and make possible a great insight, a timeless one, which covers all our issues and that great insight has the power to set a human being free!
We all want a someone to love who will love us in return. Right? There are endless tragic stories about attempts to bring that about which have always failed and the stories have a common ending…oh, well, at least we (they) tried and maybe if we keep up this trying we will eventually make a happy world out of this one. So, what if the unhappiness we all share is not actual but is made by us because we insist on holding onto old stories that did not work out?
What if the Power that created the Universe as we know it did not bring about this trouble we do? And it continues only because we are not aware how we do it? We are in need of an insight into this question.
We do not ever look at the big picture. We work on the little pictures of many problems, one at a time, as if we do not know they are all…all…interrelated and because of that interrelatedness which love put here an instantaneous freedom is always there awaiting the insight. Look.
An American Indian living here now bears a grudge. He or she bitterly resents what the white Europeans did to their way of life. Some organize to change things around this issue, to set things right. This is political. Some changes are made but the issue remains just as strong as before. And other tribes, large nations and small, every where on Earth are currently mistreating their neighbors right now as if we have learned nothing from the past. Why?
We do not ever look at the big picture. We work on the little pictures of many problems, one at a time, as if we do not know they are all…all…interrelated and because of that interrelatedness which love put here an instantaneous freedom is always there awaiting the insight. Look.
You may ask, “If I agree to look at the interrelatedness of all my troubles at once what will happen to me?” Or, you may ask, “How can I look at the interrelatedness of all my troubles at once?” I say you are once more refusing to look at the whole scene and will do nearly anything to keep from looking. Look. If you have the insight you will have changed all of mankind in a great way instantly! You will have introduced a blast of real freedom to humanity. Look. Somebody please look. Won’t you?