Peace Nations
Plains Indians in North America had both war chiefs and peace chiefs. The Peace chiefs were the more honored bunch. Well, I propose we look into the possibility of electing a Peace government since we are heavy with war governance. In keeping with solidarity, I suggest we encourage the women to play the major role in developing such a Peace Government. Both peace with other nations and peace among each other is required. Both governments should have equal funding and be of equal strength, of course. Perhaps it would be advisable, actually to make the Peace Government the priority since peace is preferred to war by all and has historically been ignored.
I came of age in the sixties and was a young married husband in the time of Women’s Liberation in this country. At the time I was eager to surrender to the women without a struggle since I seemed to have nothing to lose and everything to gain by women being more active in life here. I certainly did not think it wise of women to take the position they wanted to do what men do in order to feel equal. That seemed very silly to me. Most of what men do, to me, was a waste of energy and divisive to the max. We struggle with each other and deceive one another and murder one another. I felt it best women stay out of such matters if possible. Men, as well. Actually these are the source of most suffering in the world for the last ten thousand years.
I am not including these comments to be funny. I sincerely mean to tell that females have a nature of their own every bit as valuable as that of males and do not mean cleaning and scrubbing and cooking and child care and other such chores as that. No. I mean all those areas of human existence which would be categorized as peace concerns, meaning considerations which foster peace and harmony and cooperation and a sense of well-being and joy among all people. All of these and more are just as meaningful to women as men as are all aspects which prevent illness, mental and physical, prevent alienation of any from the group. The inclusion of everybody’s talents and drives on equal terms, with respect. You know what I mean. Compassion and love and softness and kindness and the willingness to serve. Humility. Patience. Creativity. Those things, for instance. Music. Dance. Color. Endurance. Dependability. Beauty.
In summary, it is important for all humans to be fully included in the birth of a Peace Nation.