lives inside a perfect body-
how do I know?
I have hated mine so
often and have abused it very badly and still
when I am wholly one
within it as I am at this sweet moment who I am now knows
all about doubt free
dancing in a sea of all-consuming presence and the outline of my skin
shell swells as a band of light dances around its perim
eter into an an
ever-broadening awareness
a thousand light
years into the heavens brandished ever more outward and waving in a
musical extravaganza that takes me with it on its mission soaring
forth a once forsaken now a passenger of some secret capsule sent to
courtesy rocket fuel
engendered by a spotlighted brave and oh, so fragile human singer and
a song
where I remain for
half a moment seeming to last forever spellbound in the Presence
while an unseen kindness fills my lungs with sparklers
(hush) from within
this magic body
Everybody, everybody
lives inside a perfect body
how do I know?
When I let go-
and when will I
choose to remain inside this knowledge as one would who walks always
a starry pathway across all strata of being in perfection glorified,
yielding, weightless, flawless, and unburdened?
What can force one
who has seen the Face to return to the imperfect body of the burdened
fellow? I hear a voice saying, it's up to you now.
Everybody, everybody
lives inside a perfect body,
and we know It!