I met a woman
educated in the study of criminology.
She wants to teach
others. Said she learned that cops believe that they need to remain
detached from a crowd or a suspect to do their job which is to arrest
wrongdoers. The nut of it is these officers will not be so ready to
club the people into unconscious blobs of meat for hauling to
confinement and sentencing if they are not aloof to the fact these
they arrest and remove are people like themselves. She is applying
for a job as someone to play the role of an attached human being who
will be used by cops to bring a message of sanity from the soul of
humanity before the dogs are released, thereby allowing the cops to
remain detached to do their brutal job well. Her job is to make it
appear as if the politicians who hire the police and pay them really
care. But the politicians' way to prove they are right is to trample
on others. So, trample they must. After all, who will trust a brute
who fails to trample?
What I say is that
the very existence of a job to be performed by detached personnel is
appallingly subhuman and destined to utter devastation if for no
other reason than such a concept is going to bring about the very
horror it is meant to prevent. Vain politicians send forth detached
brutes to force upon all citizens their plans. They are convinced
they alone are right and will not listen to anything that would
suggest any other possibility and my friend will be in a position to
aid and comfort such brutality.
I say any lawman who
even considers the possibility of a state of detached authority
should wear no badge whatever. We are human. To think otherwise is
Somehow we have been
brought to a way of thinking and acting that means a whole human
being is incompetent to deliver justice.