A Most Important Question
Hello. I just made an important discovery I wish to share with you now. When I hit bottom in the early eighties I said to myself inwardly in silence “if you are there please help me.”
Just then, a man I had met 5 years earlier at a quit smoking seminar put on by the American Cancer Society rode up on a bicycle taking his daily exercise. (He told me later.) His name is Buddy Sims. Buddy listened to me ramble concerning my unhappy life and all I hated about being alive in a human body without enough true information to make a good experience for myself in spite of my best efforts to do so. Buddy then invited me to a meeting and I accepted primarily out of hope he is the answer to my prayer of desperation.
It turned out Buddy was an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous. The meeting he took me to was one made up of of those people who are so sick they cannot help themselves but need the help of others to stop drinking. When I realized where I was I wanted to escape immediately for I just knew I did not belong with such people. I wished them well but was not of their type I was sure. Boy, was I wrong!
I sat in my chair and listened long enough to their stories to feel a part. The feeling I had was to me, “ I AM HOME AT LAST!”
I will end my story of AA membership here for now because I want to tell you what I learned today that floored me. Later, I will be willing to talk and write at length on all that has been given me since late 1982 up to this moment for which I am unqualifiedly grateful.
Before that experience with my friend, Buddy, about two or three years, I was in a doctor’s office with a case of flu. I wanted to run in a 10K race in Austin to be held in few days so wanted a quick boost of energy to make me strong enough to finish my run.
The doctor prescribed some medicine and some advice and wished me good luck on a speedy recovery. I liked her manner so I asked her a question I had been carrying for many years with no answer. “Doctor Richardson, I asked, why do we age at all?”
She looked at me as if shocked at my speaking that question to anybody, as if everybody knows the answer. So, I added, “Look, it is obvious to me that we had the capability to grow from a tiny zygote in our mother’s womb into something as large as I am now so why would a being with that much ability not have the ability to reverse any aging effect at will?
I mean those two operations, growing from conception to a grown man fully alert and functioning and the reversal of any effects of time on that same body seem to me to go hand in hand. Whatever can do one should be able to do the other.”
My poor doctor was not feeling well herself by now. I had asked a question she was supposed to be trained to answer and she had no clue what to say so she spoke in an aggravated way, “Well, aging is a natural process and we all must go through it and grow old and die.” (without her speaking it, I heard “So shut the fuck up!”)
FastForward 40 years and I hear via the internet a medical research scientist from Harvard medical school tell an audience that aging is now being accepted as a medical condition and the ability to reverse aging is no longer a question of can we but when.
It is important to tell you now that between 1996 and 2021 I have been purposefully reversing the aging of my own body and living as I was told Merlyn did, backwards. You may think me crazy but I have been doing it scientifically through a meditation technique and with results! But this writing really is not to convince any reader to follow a program I might recommend but is only to touch hearts with the clear message that the Great Force that is behind the world we observe did something amazing and people have taught it was done at the beginning for thousands or perhaps millions of years. That One put itself inside the human being. That One put the infinite inside the finite. It has been called a soul and a heart and the seat of consciousness and many other names but the important thing is to find out for yourself it is true and that it is there to work for you in all that you want to do.
The scientists are making the discovery slowly by experimenting with mice and developing drugs and treatment procedures. I tell you simply that my friend Buddy was making faster and more reliable strides in reversing aging by riding his bicycle regularly. Another great scientist said, “Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules repeated without end.” Benoit Mandelbrot Something inside Buddy had given him the the knowledge to exercise regularly and the strength to perform the work. That Something is in you. We can find out the whole truth of it and experience it for ourselves for free in no time. Paying attention to what lies within you at the core is so rich an experience it is called the world of bottomless wonders. Or, the Kingdom of God. It is like a spring bubbling up from the earth . An artesian well of unbelievable scope! Explore!
I am excited to challenge all readers from this moment forward to discover you are able to do the work not to “make a living” but work that answers the big questions of your hearts: ”what can be done?” and “How can I help?” This prayer will bring forth the world we all dream of but that has never been. Of all things the bottomless wonders allow us to know what to do when something we don't know about suddenly appears. A new world. Are we ready?