Suppose there is one all-inclusive human consciousness. See that the personality of any human is contrived when thinking invades a space or dimension where it is incompetent to go. Now. Suppose consciousness composes a piece of music and that work is credited to a personality with a name agreed upon within a society of personalities. Such a thing is common as a cold in our world today.
What happens when all of a sudden consciousness, the actual author of the piece, reclaims it and plays it through hands of a new, previously unheard of player? Yeah. That’s right. We call it genius. Many personalities are greatly affected by this and thrown into a state of shock. A whole new thing is labeled and many try now to copy the genius. Books are written. Records are broken. But the world stays the same or grows worse.
Now. What if that were the norm? That is, what if all people expressed exclusively through an all inclusive human consciousness never letting a personality bound up in thought and time take the credit? In that world everybody would be of equal value and there will be no leading roles. Can you conceive of living in that world? Why not? It is so that no personality can make that happen since personalities are mischievous fakes but any ol’ “nobody special” can start to dance thataway.
What has anybody in this corrupt world got to lose by trying? The important thing to know before trying is that it will require absolute emptiness of any purpose to enter the all inclusive consciousness of humanity as a whole. Trying to do it in order to achieve anything for the personality is no change at all. Whoever knows he has no purpose has one.
It ought be added here that when anybody dares to begin there will be such an explosion of passion and love all over the world everyone will be amazed and ways will be opened never dreamed possible and heads will spin and hearts will rejoice. All will see open windows which were not there a moment ago and so much greater an intelligence will prevail.