Ceasing Thinking of Ourselves
Some who think of themselves as religious will say some words like “We lift you on High, Oh Lord”.
They use these words but do not realize that the words were first uttered to mean “We escape the bondage to thinking to meet with You, Oh Lord of Existence!”
And, very importantly, we fail to realize to meet with such a One has nothing to do with concentration at all for we are always there. So we become joyous about actually lifting a veil of nothing, A newborn infant is aware. There is no effort to it. In fact, effort will lead to more confusion.
We are but becoming aware of how we are the intellectual servants of words. By that understanding we awaken as who we are actually. And not by “practice”! We see the absurdity of thinking a “practice” can lead to truth. That error is assignable to the misuse of a brain to figure out a way to become what I am not rather than being a friend to my true nature.
At the beginning sentence above it was written that people “think” they are religious. Such people are slaves of thought which is mechanical. Thought is fine for finding an address to a meeting place but lousy as a boss of living. All such mechanical people are dangerous to children and animals and plants, all living things, including themselves.
Out beyond right doing and wrong doing is a field where there is no such thing as distraction for there is no such thing as inattention, both mere words. Zero effort is required to be there where by nobody else’s system we playfully live lives of happy, pure, unconditioned children. The mentioned field lies inside us way, way out beyond all thoughts. There will be found Heaven on Earth. I am not suggesting you think about this matter. That would be crazy! Doubt it! But check it out. Examine into how you use your own mind.