There is a certain power in two people who meet and one is trying to convince the other he has something to offer which will benefit the selfish interest of the other. The other hears his words and agrees or disagrees. When they agree a contract is accomplished. That is a form of power. It is business power. There is another form however. It is a power which comes when one party offers the other nothing but speaks for doing what is right to do in consideration of the whole picture, like a Bob Dylan song, for example. When agreement is the result, this second power is vastly more powerful than the former. Why is that so? It is because the parties together have brought the agreement into being. In the first agreement the two remained separated throughout and remain so after the agreement is accomplished…separated. Neither party will support the agreement wholeheartedly. Like every peace treaty ever made is so quickly abandoned. However, in the second example both will support what they have done together, will be now united as one, and that commitment is unbelievably strong, strong to the point of death! Some element called passion has been forged as a part of their friendship. Passion is an essential ingredient in human life. Without it, the mind grows dull, mechanical, repetitive, and in such boredom will consider all manner of unhealthy ways to feel better; such as, killing anyone who does not think in the same way, wear the correct clothing, has a different color skin, practices a different religion, follows a different political philosophy, has more money and property or threatens to take away some of mine, etc. etc. etc.
So, which power is it to be?