It seems we are at a time when the psychological view of total humanity is that we are living in a time of worldwide crisis. Many proclaimed it decades ago. And as time passed we all took up that theme. OUR WAY OF LIFE IS DONE FOR.
To me, that’s great news! There is really no reason to be offered why humans should not go. We destroyed our home. Suffering is everywhere. I live on that part of the Earth designated as The United States. There were people living here before 1492 when the white man came across the Atlantic from Europe. They say the red people at the time could not even see the ships coming it was so weird.
Real quickly the word was spoken in native camps that the whites are many and they want all our land and cannot tolerate our way of life. They will kill as many of us as necessary to end our way of life…our way of life is over.
I have white skin and went to law school following a way of life taught me. Indians in America began early to tell the whites that one day the evil you are here to deal out to us will turn on you. That prophecy is now and a child could have spoken it from the beginning. But nobody among the whites asked the children. By the time I was 18, I could have told everybody “this is not working”. Instead, I held my tongue and went to war as part of the problem hoping it could be fixed from within. Problems do not fix themselves. It took me nearly two decades to be convinced of that. Once convinced, there came to be a completely creative way of living here outside the system of man available to me, of all people and, so, I have a simple yet powerful tool to speak about at this time.
One needs to examine carefully the exact way of life one is living to understand the self that is the source of suffering as humans. Once understood, it vanishes for it is but a bad dream. It is the essence of division among humans and loneliness is the absence of love. The word ”individual” originally meant “indivisible” or “not divisible”. Today it means to be completely divided from everybody and everything else. The good news is that self is put together by thought and love is not. This makes it possible for a human to be free of self, the essence of suffering, and to be filled with love. What this is no thoughts can say for it is not put together by thinking…but, it amounts to a completely different dimension of life right where we stand!
Many teachers who will arise will try to sell you on some way to change the corrupt system from within that system. They say “don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. I say here, now, remove the baby then throw out the dirty bath water!
Listen carefully. Listen as if your life depends upon it. Ultimately, if it is done, the new dimension will spot a bit of consciousness free of the domination of self and will chase after and find you!
The Universe is not a store. It is a sacred house of wonder. Red men and women are still among us…more than you know. I leave for now with this. As a man without hope I realized my way of life was over. I was defeated. As much as any red man before me I knew the truth of seeing the end of my life as I knew it. Where to go from here was unknown, as in the famous song, I was on my on, a complete unknown, like a rolling stone- and as happy as a human can be. Since that day I have inhabited a new dimension of love and understanding. So, I have something very precious to express to everybody on Earth!