The Real Crisis
Things are not as we wish them to be. Why is that?
Could it be the direct result of nearly everybody living here as memories recorded on each brain as the history of a phony who knows itself by a name given it by other phonies measuring itself by abstract thoughts fed it by one or more of the many schools of thought? Phonies have one primary flaw. They are caught in a small world where the primary issue is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. It is supposed by phonies that the superior ones among them who do this well will be the winners. Winners of what? It is called success. It should be spelled “SUCKCESS!
The source of pleasure is the source of pain. That is a fact nobody can change. So, trying to control pleasure and pain is a fool’s game.
It is a lottery where the winner loses all. If you find yourself at the top you are actually at the bottom.
Here is why that is. Those who live the way of pleasure never address the consequences of their action until things get so far out of hand that they are in crisis. People in crisis make terrible decisions. Only a quiet mind at rest can act in wisdom and bring harmony. Until there is peace inwardly the phonies will struggle to bring pleasure which…brings more pain. And it continues. Then the party is over.
We are in crisis on Earth now. Only a few who have found peace within will know what action to take. In silence there is no choice to be made. That is the reason for taking the time and effort to write this down hoping someone will realize the only real choice is always open to drop the phony personality and give maximum effort to finding a peaceful mind that ends debate. A peaceful mind will never be caught alive considering pleasure or pain to feed or avoid on behalf of a phony personality. It purely and truly acts now by certainty absent choice. This, the real choice, actually, believe it or not, permits some to live in paradise side-by-side among phonies who tremble.
Just say the line between you and me is not there.