This one moment we have and more than that if I find what lies
inside. Carefully I abide. Not to startle any one or rattle the
neighborhood. Only as a visitor come leaving no prints behind. Watch
my mouth. Lips still. My fingers at my side. Teeth withdrawn.
Muscles loose. Naked. No luggage. Ask deeply for a sign. No press.
No fanfare. Not even a glance in the mirror. Erase all intentions.
Nothing. Nobody sees me I am invisible. If I need protection it is
given in stillness by the one who does nothing and leaves nothing
undone. If I am to express the service it will be done. Touch no
other and being certain to touch the light inside every one be out
going as angels or knights are likely to be who see the invisible
more clearly than they see what's gross. Sacred? Label me what is
not sacred and I will tell you that your label is a lie. Layer upon
layer of presence. This day two stood on a mountain before the same
sky and thousands of words danced through each of them in two
distinct languages and neither spoke a word and what was being felt
being all they had to share they were as one who understood in a
moment that was not what a moment is supposed to be but an epoch
itself subdivided into ages of nonlinear chronostratigraphy wrapped
around a flag pole, waving nothing.