This much is known. At some time after the beginning of human beings on Earth there came to be a notion that every man needs a woman of his own who belongs to him and no other man and that every woman needs to belong to one man and no other man. In some locales a man was said to be entitled to more than one woman but all such were his own women and belonged to no one else. In other locales it was decided some women were entitled to own more than one man as their exclusive property. The thing we know is that there came to be enforced everywhere a notion that one human could and should be the property of one other human. By what support in reality under the stars can it be said a human is the property of any other? Indecency was born. That brings us to the subordinate rule that the offspring born to these unions of ownership of a human being by another human being belong to the two adults. The kids began to be regularly referred to as “my children” and “our children”. By what support in reality under the stars can it be said a human is property? This nonsense can and has become unquestioned fact only because the people trust words more than they trust themselves. “My” and “our” rule over intelligence and “I” and “me” do likewise. As a simple, clear fact no human being belongs to any other.
Animals exist. Human animals exist and are aware of the fact. The conscious awareness of the fact of one’s existence is infinite and shared by all humans. It does not separate us from the other forms of life in the least. It gives awareness. Mankind developed language. The languages grew in scope to deal with the growing practice of trade or commerce. As deals were made through language and broken wars happened. Slaves were taken as one of the spoils of war. Women were taken and brutalized. Slaves and women became commodities. Children, women, and slaves became commercial properties sought after by warriors. It’s a mess. The mess has been incorporated into the languages and is spread and widespread. People think they own each other or belong to each other and that wars are inevitable. The mess grows messier every day. So, what can be done?
The only answer is consciousness. In the state of mind “I am” lie dignity and decency as if they are blowing in the Wind. These things cannot be cultivated but can be found inside every human and given priority they once had. It begins with an admission that my way of life is indecent and lacks dignity. If made at a deep level by a serious human being no more is required as decency and dignity blow in under their own power. No human is better than any other human. No human saves any other human. Bodies are born, live, and die. Consciousness is everlasting.