are going to feel foolish one day to arrive at the end of life with
your bucket lists of wishes and your complaints only to discover what
your inheritance had been that lay unopened or tossed in a bin.
a brilliant light of attraction has been yours. Cynosure, everybody
wants one. Everybody needs one. Let anonymity be your cynosure and
you cannot be stopped!
sinecure for life assured, a status requiring no effort or toil but
providing adequate support for a lifetime lies in a safe no bank can
rival. Christ told of it on the Mount. Consider the lilies. They toil
not; neither do the spin and yet Solomon in all his glory was not
arrayed as one of these. Does your Benefactor love you not? You want
to win a lottery? You won the day of your birth!
are going to feel foolish one day to arrive at the end with your
bucket lists of wishes and complaints only to discover what your
inheritance had been that lay unopened or tossed in a bin as useless
to you.
candle unlit.