To be wild is like being aware that you are living in a room with a poisonous snake. You must be so very alert. Life depends upon it! To be so alert, so vigilant , so keenly present, is pure bliss. That is why boys and men and girls and women who have fought in a war become addicted to it to the extent they secretly yearn for another war. But, addiction is a disease that cripples and wounds the heart and drives a person to insanity’s door. What is to be discovered by telling the story of a wild boy is that there is a way to get in touch with who we are, as we are, a wild one, who requires no substitute. The true human is brave, soft, kind, and peaceful by nature. Life is not chaos, but rather, a work of painstaking design. Not the work of a person, it is NOT to be lived by persons, those silly, limited undependable, dishonest creatures we are not. There. You have it!