T: Do you believe the Universe is infinite?
J: Yes.
T: There is no proof of it, is there?
J: No. No proof, but I believe it to be so.
T: Some say we are all equal.
J: There is no proof we are.
T: There is no proof we are not.
J: That is a dilemma. We must act first or someone else will. So, let’s make believe we are not all equal and draw up a set of rules to determine a ranking order of worth of our own design which favors our kind and enforce it.
T: Okay. But what if it turns out we are all equal?
J: We must not allow it to happen. Everybody cannot be allowed to run wild. That would be chaos. And we need order.
T: But, if we are all equal might wild be order and enforced order be chaos?
J: You mean, do you not, it might be that order was in the plan from the beginning? I suppose we will find out some day.
T: No way. People will not ever allow it to happen. I have a new feeling growing in me now that wild, not the word but the fact, just might be humility. And people fear humility more than anything.
J: Humility? That sounds like humanity. Could it be found to be our natural state?
T: Who among us is in tune with his natural state?
J: There must be some way out of here.