All the world promises is no good for you. Every attempt at power in the world is actually a surrender of vitality. Do not agree or disagree with this. Look at it seriously for yourself and find out.
How much vitality have I to spare? After all is taken from me where will I be? Will I shrivel enough to vanish? How puny am I willing to become? It’s not dark yet, but…I heard a man who was a very famous athlete say “I had become nothing, and my life for me was meaningless. All I had done was never enough.” Pete Maravich
I am reminded of the alpinist mountain climber who was asked, “Why didn’t you take a rope along?” And he replied, “Those are just stupid questions." That must be my answer to any question about, “If I renounce the corrupt world what will I do to protect myself and my family?"
And by renunciation I am not at all meaning that I am to abandon the world and live in a cave. I mean to live here in the world man has created and not be of it.