Tell me if this be not so-
Quicker than the law can arrest, convict, and imprison or exterminate troublemakers the society it is meant to protect will have created more of them than ever. It is a losing proposition. Always has been; but that has not stopped we fools from trying harder as things grow worse.
Why is this the way? It is easier? We are in the habit? We are blind to the obvious? Or, could it simply be that the source of troublemakers and the sorrows they cause is the selfishness you and me have lived by and we are so afraid to admit it? Is the fear that to admit that we need to end selfishness means we will become NOTHING and we are terrified of being NOTHING?
Suppose with me that NOTHING is who we are? Wouldn’t that be funny? It will become much funnier when we all find out NOTHING is SOMETHING and SOMETHING is NOTHING AT ALL. If not sooner, folks, ladies and gentlemen, than on the day we die, on that day will it all become crystal clear to us. By and bye.
My name it is nothing.
My age it means less.
God has the last laugh.
Inseparable am I from wilderness.
It’s not too late for us all to shape up our thinking to fit Another Plan…together as one.