When a natural man and a natural woman become so close that they mate and make a baby it has always, from the beginning right up to today, been unquestionably obvious to each parent that they are responsible for the care and upbringing of the child. Each one will walk through the fires of hell for that baby because the child is worth it. This is known in the cells of the their bodies like the need for water and sunshine and is wrapped in an invincible love.
The above being so, as all agree, why would you say we have come so far from the Garden? Well, it just may have to do with a trick that separated us from each other on the inside breaking the natural bonds of compassion. Notice the term “natural man and natural woman”. From time to time it is shown what that means when a human being reaches out automatically without thought for his own safety to try to save a complete stranger. In those cases, the hero always says “ I had to do it.”
Here is the point: in all aspects our societies hammer into us a slogan that “you are an individual and that means you are separate from everybody else and must be ambitious and competitive to make your way in the world”. They do not add “the world we made and we direct”. But, it is so. It is obviously so. Yet, it is also obvious that the word “individual” means “not divisible” which is the opposite of “separate” and “ambitious” and “competitive”. Would it interest you to know whether the world (another world) where the term “individual” was coined is still present and open to all free without exception? It is so. It is the natural world. Mother Nature’s dominion.
Notice for yourself how when a human is thinking he is separate from other humans that person, through insecurity, must assume a position of competition. Each such unnatural human watching from a separate point of view sees that nobody else is going to take care of and watch over me because they are separate from me. So, the games people play were invented so each can substitute compassion for the belief he will win. The ultimate game is he who dies with the most toys is the winner!
Consider this-in such an unnatural world you are bound to strive all your life to do the “right “ thing only to discover at the end that it was all “wrong”. The biggest surprise of life is the discovery “All along I could have done anything fearlessly with no effort at all.”