Whooper’s Dream
I dreamed Bob Dylan came to my yard. Told me life had led him here to see me.
Then up stepped some others. Walt Whitman and Allen Ginsberg had come with Bob while J. Krishnamurti brought Prem Rawat. Albert Camus came, too.There was Alan Watts and Gangaji and there was Mooji and some whose names I did not remember. Bill Wilson and Bob Smith came anonymously. One, who wore a mask, whispered to me he was the anonymous author of The Heart Sutra. Another added he was the anonymous author of the Book of Hebrews and Ecclesiastes, both. That was confusing. Each one who came told me he or she was here for no reason they knew. Just came. Drawn to come to my attention. Oh, I remember Abe Lincoln had come. Billy the Kid came. And Joan of Arc.
I replied, I think I may know why. I am here because I know that governments and religions cannot live together in peace but human beings can. That is big medicine, they all agreed.
My experience in putting that knowledge into practical application is unique enough to be noticed, I realized. I know any attempt to work with organized man on the subject of peace is a waste of time. We need the intelligence and strength and reliability of unorganized man…man and the God of his understanding, someone very much like everyone else, and I literally mean everyone else, to tackle the job
of cleaning up this mess.
The job calls for someone to keep closely aligned with a clear understanding that this job is for everybody, not a handful, everybody, without exception, and yet nobody will be coerced to join and anybody is free to join up at anytime he or she wishes.
That much I can do. I am capable of doing one. Thing well. Ha! I hollered. And awoke myself. But, just before I did, I was promised I’d probably be charged as a heretic, a sorcerer, and a cross-dresser.