Something like this happened in my lifetime. When I was about 17 the world constructed by human thinking had become a great mess that most people saw to be impossible to correct. So, most developed a weird imaginary world of their own. In this world “I” have no choice but to work with the world as it is and it is headed for Hellacious destruction but there will be a period of time between now and the ending so I will make the best use of that time for myself and my “group”. It’s all I can do. What went unseen was the fact the “I” doing this was itself built by the world out of its madness. I am the world and the world is me.
Some adopted methods of rebellion to at least prolong the survival of the human race. Others sought as much money as possible. Others wore flowers and passed out love as they understood it. Others sought out professional positions where they might cleverly effect the system in ways that might keep back for awhile the inevitable bursting of the dam. Some partied madly. Others gave effort to stockpiling food and all the rest of the items they would survive on when all others would be dying around them from lack. Some dropped out and dedicated themselves to some art form to spend what time they might have doing something through a talent within the confines of a world that valued art very little except as commercial enterprise. Only one of these last described artists seemed not to care about fame or commercial success.
Along came a youngster who had named himself Bob Dylan. He was an interesting performer. He wrote his own songs unlike any songs that had been previously written by a human and he sang them on stages and recorded them in studios. My older cousin, Mike, grabbed me with his voice and told me,
“Come here with me quick! This young kid is singing on the street in New York and it is being broadcast over television right now. You will not believe the songs this boy is singing. They are so different it will amaze you. Hurry”!
I followed my cousin indoors and what I witnessed that day on a black and white television screen changed me in a way so great it was larger than any change before it. Dylan, a kid, was singing “Times They Are A-Changing” And maybe one or two more. That singer went on to become tremendously famous around the world very quickly and always has maintained he in no way sought fame. Apparently, he was so totally aware of the action of writing and performing the songs nothing else mattered.
Introduce a large population of humans who are going to hear Dylan’s music. Many of these people are actually very interested in becoming famous and powerful and rich. Partly for themselves they seek those things and on coming to believe there is little or no hope for them becoming rich and famous they seek the companionship of someone who has become famous and glorified even to the point of possessing an autograph. At Dylan concerts some are not really listening to the music they are indulging in the charisma of such a performer. They are wallowing in the pride of spending time with such a person and miss the point entirely. The point “who am I” is dismissed by their brains. Others are unaffected. A few are profoundly changed. Most, if not all, of this latter category never speak or write about the change. They exist in another dimension created when the change in them happened “like anything happens” Dylan said. Perhaps they were simply never drawn to ever perform on a stage of any kind. It is like they are gone. This might be understood as necessary because the change under consideration only happens to those totally present in the moment and “totally alone” so no amount of explanation can make any difference at all. Explanations come from thought constructed egos and are meant for constructed egos caught in time. However, one might just pass by one of these profoundly changed individuals on the street for the change to happen and another is gone and yet lives right here on Earth. A bunch of secret people are here and yet not here and the idiots remaining do not perceive them. Idiots will be idiots, you know.
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind is a 1976 book by the Princeton psychologist, psychohistorian[a] and consciousness theorist Julian Jaynes (1920-1997). It explores the nature of consciousness – particularly "the ability to introspect" – and its evolution in ancient human history. Jaynes proposes that consciousness is a learned behavior rooted in language and culture rather than being innate.[b] He distinguishes consciousness from sensory awareness and cognition. Jaynes introduces the concept of the "bicameral mind", a non-conscious mentality prevalent in early humans that relied on auditory hallucinations.
In his book, Jaynes examines historical texts and archaeological evidence to support his theory. He places the origin of consciousness around the 2nd millennium BCE and suggests that the transition from the bicameral mind to consciousness was triggered by the breakdown of the bicameral system. The bicameral mind, he explains, was characterized by individuals experiencing auditory hallucinations as commands from gods, guiding their actions.
The book gained attention and was well-received upon its release. It generated positive book reviews, including mentions by notable critics such as John Updike and Christopher Lehmann-Haupt. The theory proposed by Jaynes influenced philosophers like Daniel Dennett and Susan Blackmore, as well as researchers studying schizophrenia. Jaynes's ideas on consciousness and the bicameral mind have been explored in various conferences, publications, and discussions over the years.[1]
While the book sparked debates and controversies, it has left a lasting impact on the study of consciousness and human psychology. Some critics argued against Jaynes's views, questioning his assumptions and interpretations. Nonetheless, the book remains a thought-provoking exploration of the origins of consciousness, language, and culture, and it has continued to inspire discussions and research in these areas. It was Jaynes's only book, and is still in print in several languages. Wikipedia
Jaynes overlooks the fact that the breakdown he depends on for his theory was a fragmentation of consciousness that had been complete for a million years or more prior to that break, not so much “down” as “up”. It can be perceived as the thinking process’s rebellion against what had been. See that your own concept of “who am I?” has been constructed from thinking. Second hand. All borrowed from a culture built up by…thinking. What is learned through thinking is but one feature of consciousness. Its specialty had been the learning of purely mechanical processes like operating a tool properly. It is a fact that the “consciousness” Jaynes is proud of has been a terrible failure. It is better understood as “unconsciousness” because it resulted from a fragmentation between thinking and immediate perception which depends entirely upon the ability to “introspect”. Actually, thinking and immediate perception are one indivisible thing or two sides of the same coin which before the break-up functioned as a whole, non-fractured, consciousness in this way-
“My consciousness is their consciousness and we are one.”
Jaynes’ “auditory hallucinations” were “immediate perceptions”.
On serious study within your own process of thinking it can be seen to be a combination of experiences, memories and time. Memories are the past. Gradually over time memories recorded in the brain train the brain to perform a mechanical task. Going home from a distant location for example. However, life is not mechanical. The misuse of thinking shows why we humans make the same mistakes in relationships over and over again expecting different results and that is the classic definition of insanity.
No way around it, war is a rotten business. And, it's always been the same war! The same war! People need to cease the practice of giving them names to further the belief there's to be a never-ending series of them. One war. It is never gonna be the war of the soldiers who fight it though. It's a cycle of violence, friends, we’ve all learned to inhabit like it's our home. As if there’s security in it.
And one final thing, that fragmentation between human thinking and immediate perception can be healed and clarity restored. The incoherent, fragmented mind can be restored to wholeness and coherence once again. Humans then cease to make so many plans that just do not work out as planned. Such plans are dead set against the whole picture. Whole consciousness sees the whole picture. Thereby, a much better world can arise. It will be so different it resembles another Universe. As a small illustration this is offered-
A man is insulted. He has been insulted before and thinks this cannot be tolerated! He becomes angry. Thinking is dominant. Intuitively, through the power of immediate perception the man realizes: “that man who insulted me wants the same thing I want and his insult had nothing to do with me, it was his image of me he insulted. Should I accept the insult he can control me. No need for anger is present.” Thinker relaxes. Peace happens. And it is the peace shown to be here all along. Misuse of thinking made it seem there was conflict present. Flattery works the same way. If it is accepted as my own the person who flatters me can control me. He has acted upon his image of me that I am a person who can become addicted to flattery. Getting used to this happening is about building faith. And faith is intuitive knowledge.
Nations have been created by the thought that a separate nation will bring security. All want security. That is completely natural. The nations go to war only because the thinking of the nations’ leaders who constructed the separate nations have made it seem there was a conflict present where none was. A whole human knows that. Two human beings who are not seeing the other as images can find that peace they know is present easily and quickly.These nip conflict in the bud!
It is not being told there is no God. What is told is the God invented by man’s thinking is not it. The ancient humans before the Break-Up Julian Jaynes writes of heard and followed intuitive messages in consciousness which they referred to in some manner as the Highest Power. That ability is still inside us one and all. It speaks of the oneness of humanity. It speaks of compassion. Finding that as a fact ends separation, loneliness, fear, violence, and all the rest and puts thinking in its right place. It becomes clear there are no separate nations. Putting everything in its right place is meditation and brings true prayer that is pure gratitude. Nothing else matters. Thank you.