It is done everywhere by billions of human beings all around the Earth. It is a very big business. The biggest, actually, when you consider that those who are pretending to have such a thing to offer are hypnotists causing you to believe you must have it and that these people are set apart by common consent as having the unquestioned, God-given authority to administer its organizations which they alone are allowed to create. Consider the organized religions. Consider all the governments of the world. Consider entertainment (books, films, videos, theater, music, etc.) Consider education. Consider the dissemination of news and propaganda. We know that the wool is being pulled over our eyes and by whom, but, do we know why we accept it? Same question in different terms: why do we accept war as inevitable? Starvation as inevitable? Hatred as inevitable? Violence as inevitable? All of these and more we accept as being human nature and, so, inevitable. Why? Do we not know better?
What is more ridiculous than the purchase of someone else’s words as a part of a scheme, however stimulating, designed to assist you in the promised realization of something you are so obviously not? And yet, what is more in demand today than is just that? Is everybody born anxious for a logo to wear? Of course not. Such must be instilled.
Any guru says: If you follow my words you will become what I am. They know something about you. You will always follow somebody. Why not me? If not me, it will be somebody else. There is a lot of power in signing up followers. Last place you will ever look seriously is within and that self-betrayal is your nemesis. And that is where is hidden all you ever dreamed of and much, much more…sail to Byzantium*, looking with the desperation of one who knows he is tied to a dying animal, and before it is too late.
For which guru has said as a single message:
“You have all you need and much more. That is all I will tell you. I am busy being just another ordinary wizard of contentment.”?
Only such a one as that is worthy of the name of guru and if called one, will deny it. All others are fakes.
Hint: Only an idiots fail to know nobody else has the code for them. And The Giant Guru you hope you will ultimately find never made a world in which a guru’s time is worthy even of a penny. Any guru who knows not that you are shockingly complete as you are so are never going to benefit from hanging out with such a dope as him, is a faker.
Find another who makes no claim to know a way for you to follow. Find someone to whom you can never be obligated at all. Love, which cannot be invited nor can it be cultivated, comes naturally, easily. Avoid applauding the ones you love. It will some of the time make them sick. That silly substitute for loving them is empty and immature and dangerous. Be the love you find inside.
* “Sailing To Byzantium”, by William Butler Yeats