"You two are going to have to work it out”
as a direction to take when a problem arises instead of immediately jumping to “control” feels to me like a way whereby a real, far-reaching solution is possible where "control" brings the opposite-always more and more far reaching suffering. Systems are replete with this. Has anybody ever learned anything worthwhile from being controlled by an outside force? A criminal can be imprisoned and punished, even executed. But, the source of any good that will come to the prisoner or anyone else will have to be love and patience…and that has happened many times.
Patience and love. Many, if not all, aboriginal societies we know of had this approach as naturally as is drinking water when thirsty. People have not always tampered with what is not their business and is beyond their understanding. Order is never manufactured. It does not come from a mechanical process. Such processes lead to disorder. Matter disintegrates. Order is. It exists. The way to find it is to cease controlling. In that state one is so very, very wise. What will unfold for such people cannot be predicted from the dimension of controlling. Try it.