Govern A Miracle Is To Kill
A Mockingbird
Attorney General of Texas was recently
quoted as saying, Texas
marriage laws are
rooted in a basic reality of human life:
procreation requires a male and a female.
What he did not admit is
the obvious truth
that procreation is lawless behavior.
right! No legislative action is
required to make a baby nor can it be
interest to the child who happens then swims
for its life, urged from
within; and no make-
believe, falsely legitimized marriage ever
put handles upon a miracle and turn it
into a vehicle to be driven.
two cardinals prepare a nest at my
door where she will carefully
lay her eggs to
be watched over until the miracle is
fulfilled, it was indeed
understood that
legislation in such an arena is profane. Love
can nurture a family. What love arises
from fountain pens? What
justice? What,
indeed, righteous? Honorable? Decent?
Dignified? Or,
for that matter, even relevant
to living human beings? Ask yourself,
Can I
be reduced to writing?