Jaxon Smith awakened in that state. He had been here before but that had no significance to him for one chief aspect of the state he found himself in is that it carries forward no meaning at all and absolutely no expectations present themselves. It just means nothing. Jaxon has no purpose. And that is all the purpose anyone needs to create something new. It seems that in this realm the absence of meaning gives the meaningness to it all. Clarity is present when meaning is not. Jaxon is nobody’s boy. And Jaxon feels no need to proselytize. So, I will stop here.
Jaxon saw immediately a new way to shave his face. It was quite easily done, enjoyable, and quite effective, giving more freedom to design his facial hair as he pleased for this day only. He dressed very quickly. Now Jaxon is struck to add that the absence of meaning is the absence of language and that is the absence of thought. Thought to Jaxon now is limited to the mundane. Is in its proper place at last. To locate his razor for example. So Jaxon may be the only person on Earth, or anywhere, who is not completely the result of his thoughts. Such might be the ending of thought as the master of life. It is thrilling!
Jaxon’s brain is thrilled! A state of newness moment to moment is not just a theory. It is clear thought did not bring him to this state of life in a whole new unknown realm. Thought cannot enter this portal. The disappearance of proselyting is simply the certainty for Jaxon he is never alone. Or, rather, alone is not a feeling of loneliness but a state of wholeness…all one…completion. No sorrow.